You have attracted consumers to help you improve health care quality. Support and retain them with the help of the following steps.
Welcome Them. Provide a thorough background in AF4Q including infrastructure, funding, how to contact staff and stakeholders, etc. Send regular updates on Alliance activities. Make clear to them and to all stakeholders that they have a valued, equal voice in the process.
Communicate Their Way. Use any and all communication methods that suit your consumers' needs, including social media such as Facebook, Twitter, blogs, listservs, conference calls, and Skype. Provide opportunities to participate, such as contributing to blogs and social media feeds. For example, the Maine Alliance launched a Facebook and Twitter presence to disseminate health information and encourage healthy behaviors.
Teach Them Well. Enhance consumers' understanding of pertinent topics—for example, accountable care organizations, and patient-centered medical homes—by sharing fact sheets, articles, guest speakers, webinars, etc. Highlight the role of the consumer in quality improvement and health care models, and how health care delivery system improvements can better meet patient needs.
Plug Them In. Find ways to engage consumers both within the organization and in the community through governance, public outreach, consumer messaging, etc. More ideas:
• Get input from consumer advisory groups when analyzing patient experience data, prioritizing activities, or planning new interventions.
• Involve consumers in community events—from planning to participating as speakers and promoting attendance with community groups.
• Enlist them to help develop patient information, including educational materials and websites.
• Engage consumers in organizing patient empowerment training sessions.
Listen to Them. Ask for feedback from consumers about their involvement, act on the results, and communicate your actions back to them. Feedback mechanisms should include surveys like the Consumer Engagement Survey.
What are some ways consumers can help improve health care?
Leadership positions and health care activism are a good start
What are the elements of a successful homepage on public reporting websites?
Be visual and succinct.
How does working with consumers influence discharge planning?
You increase patient understanding.
How do I explain missing data to consumers?
Be clear and concise.
What do consumers believe about health care costs?
Cost and what you pay can be different stories.
How do I get consumer feedback on my website?
There are several steps to take.
- Why do consumers need to know how much things cost?
- How do we help employers maintain their interest and energy in our partnership?
- What role do employers play in improving care quality?
- What frameworks can I use to engage and activate consumers?
- What are the benefits of personal health records?
- What is the Consumer Engagement Leadership Consortium?
- Where should I incorporate consumers into my practice or hospital?
- How do you explain the idea of “high-quality health care"?
- How do I clarify my role as a consumer within my organization or Alliance?
- How do I become a better consumer leader?