Memphis, TN

The Aligning Forces for Quality (AF4Q) initiative in Memphis is led by Common Table Health Alliance (CTHA).  The organization was established in 2003 as a result of a community-wide forum calling for the creation of an organization to coordinate health improvement activities throughout Memphis.  Its mission is to support and encourage people to work together to ultimately make Memphis one of the healthiest cities in America! CTHA brings together key stakeholders such as consumers, health care providers, insurers, employers, government, advocacy groups, schools, universities, civic groups and neighborhoods. More than 200 partner organizations have joined CTHA's efforts. Its initiatives include reducing obesity, diabetes, reducing disparities in health care, helping consumers understand what quality care is and more. Convincing all Memphis-area residents to live healthier lifestyles is a huge task, but CTHA is up to the challenge. In fact, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has recognized CTHA as a promising national model for a regional health collaborative. 

Visit the Alliance website here.

Visit the Public Reporting Page for this Alliance here.
