The Cincinnati Aligning Forces for Quality, led by the Health Collaborative, is a diverse coalition of health care stakeholders representing the hospital, physician, employer, insurer, government, education and consumer sectors. Its mission is to stimulate significant and measurable improvement in the health status of the people in Greater Cincinnati.

Cleveland AF4Q is led by Better Health Greater Cleveland, an alliance of providers, patients, purchasers, and health plans. The collaborative improves the health and value of health care for people with chronic medical conditions in Northeast Ohio. Through its clinical partners, Better Health reaches more than 70% of the chronically ill in Cuyahoga County.

The AF4Q initiative is led by the Greater Detroit Area Health Council (GDAHC), a multi-stakeholder regional health coalition. GDAHC members represent leading forces and use the council as a forum for collaboration and partnerships to develop, facilitate, and execute promising solutions aimed at improving quality, reducing cost, and expanding access to care.

The AF4Q initiative in Greater Boston is operated by Massachusetts Health Quality Partners (MHQP) which is governed by over 35 Greater Boston-area organizations and stakeholder representatives. MHQP is a nonprofit, broad-based coalition that has been collecting and reporting on health care quality information for providers and the public since 1995.

AF4Q in Humboldt County is led by the California Center for Rural Policy, a research center at Humboldt State University committed to informing policy, building community, and promoting the health and well-being of rural people and environments. An organization of health care stakeholders, Aligning Forces Humboldt focuses on improving care and patient self-management.

The Greater Kansas City’s area AF4Q initiative is led by theKansas City Quality Improvement Consortium (KCQIC). Established in 2000 by the UAW-Ford Community Health Care Initiative and local stakeholders, KCQIC creates a forum for health practitioners to exchange ideas about proven practices for improving patient outcomes in the community.

Maine Quality Counts, in partnership with the Maine Health Management Coalition and the Dirigo Health Agency’s Maine Quality Forum, work together to lead AF4Q efforts in Maine. The three organizations coordinate existing but disparate efforts across the state to improve health status, promote consistent delivery of high quality care, improve access to health care, and contain costs.

The AF4Q initiative in Memphis is led by Common Table Health Alliance (CTHA) whose mission is to support and encourage people to work together to ultimately make Memphis one of the healthiest cities in America. CTHA's initiatives include reducing obesity, diabetes, reducing disparities in health care, helping consumers understand what quality care is and more.

MN Community Measurement leads the AF4Q initiative in Minnesota, guided by a broad stakeholder group forming the AF4Q Leadership Team. The influential organizations represented on the leadership team include Minnesota AARP, Minnesota Hospital Association, Stratis Health, plus health plans, consumers, and physician and nursing leadership.

Amid the scenic backdrop of the Rio Grande and Sandia Mountains, the New Mexico Coalition for Healthcare Quality works across a local group of hospitals, health plans, providers, employers and health care consumers in the city. This coalition spearheads efforts to achieve the best quality, patient-centered and affordable care for their unique multicultural community.

The AF4Q initiative in Oregon is led by the Oregon Health Care Quality Corporation (Q-Corp), an organization dedicated to improving the quality and affordability of health. Q-Corp’s consumer engagement program, Partner for Quality Care, provides Oregonians unbiased information they can use to get high-quality care.

The Healthy York County Coalition (HYCC) leads AF4Q in South Central Pennsylvania. The coalition shares resources and information, implements proven practices on the ground and measures outcomes. AF4Q - South Central PA’s health care partner providers are committed to championing the incorporation of more efficient strategies to manage care within their health systems.

AF4Q in Washington State is led by the Washington Health Alliance(the Alliance). The Alliance is a partnership of private and public employers, physicians, hospitals, consumers, health plans, and other stakeholders. Covering the state of Washington, the Alliance builds a strong leadership network among these partners to promote health and high-quality health care.

The AF4Q initiative in West Michigan is led by The Alliance for Health (the Alliance), a membership corporation operating as a regional health improvement collaborative. The Alliance represents those who receive care, give care and pay for care. Its mission is encouraging optimal health for all through high quality health care services at the lowest cost.

AF4Q initiative in Western New York is led by the P² Collaborative of Western New York, Inc. (P² Collaborative) with the mission to improve the health of people in WNY by empowering patients to maintain healthy lifestyles, ensuring access to the highest quality of care, and promoting the implementation of proven practices in medicine.

AF4Q in Wisconsin is led by the Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality (WCHQ), a consortium of organizations working together to improve the health and increase the value of care for the people of Wisconsin. The mission of WCHQ is to publicly report and bring meaning to performance data that improves the quality and affordability of healthcare.