Catalyst for Payment Reform

Catalyst for Payment Reform (CPR) is an independent, nonprofit corporation working on behalf of large employers and other health care purchasers to catalyze improvements in how we pay for health services and promote higher-value care in the United States. CPR works to accelerate reforms to payment that promote the Institute of Medicine's six aims, utilizing a national framework for payment reform along with tools that catalyze change in the marketplace and align public and private-sector strategies.
CPR provided Aligning Forces for Quality Alliances with technical assistance utilizing several approaches. Initially, CPR assisted several Alliances in implementing their market assessment tool (MAT). The MAT provides an evaluation of the characteristics of the market with appropriate payment reform recommendations.
Secondly, CPR completed a scan that examined the innovative approaches are being taken by other health care purchasers across the country, approaches that employers and other health care purchasers can take to get better value for their health care spending beyond or in concert with payment reforms. These included benefit designs and network designs, as well as seeking care for their enrollees in non-traditional ways, such as through telehealth, direct contracting, and centers of excellence. The scan was designed to assist with understanding the range of efforts by employers and health care purchasers across the country.


Nicole Kohleriter-Perelman