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2012 (Consumer Engagement, Reducing Readmissions) ...

Dec 12,2011

2012 (Consumer Engagement, Reducing Readmissions) ...

Dec 12,2011

performance data. A subsequent brief, “Lessons in Performance Measurement: A Community Approach to Reducing Readmissions,” will look at readmission rates, one of the most commonly reported cost and efficiency measures. ...

Aug 01,2011

How does working with consumers influence discharge planning?

reducing readmissions is a top priority. Patients who are well educated on how to take care of themselves ...   The Cleveland Alliance used a collaborative approach to reducing readmissions that knits ... initiative aims to reduce avoidable readmissions by using coaches who encourage patients to take an active ...

Oct 02,2013

Spotlight on Maine

Foundation’s signature effort to lift the quality of health care in 16 diverse communities, reduce racial and ... outcomes while reducing overall health care costs. Funded in part by RWJF&rsquo;s Aligning Forces for ... initiative include a 40 percent reduction in readmissions at one participating hospital.&nbsp;</p> ...

Jun 18,2014

Spotlight on Humboldt County

Foundation’s signature effort to lift the quality of health care in 16 diverse communities, reduce racial and ... readmission. Nearly one in five Medicare patients discharged from the hospital is readmitted within 30 days, at ... communities, reduce racial and ethnic disparities, and provide models for national reform. ...

Sep 18,2014

Spotlight on Memphis

Foundation’s signature effort to lift the quality of health care in 16 diverse communities, reduce racial and ... struggles. We try to get our arms around some of the same information, like readmissions for heart failure ... communities, reduce racial and ethnic disparities, and provide models for national reform. ...

Aug 05,2014

Cleveland's Quality Improvement Initiative

collaborative quality improvement approach to reduce readmissions in its community. Better Health has developed ...

Feb 21,2013

Health Care, Meet Technology

application is also available.    At the same time, AF4Q SCPA has begun their work on reducing hospital readmissions for seniors through the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation’s Community-Based Care Transitions Program. The program targets Medicare beneficiaries, and hopes to reduce ...

Apr 29,2013

Protecting Hearts

Hospital Quality Network focused on reducing readmissions and avoided 19 readmissions within 30 days of hospital discharge during a reported 18-month period. Among Maine hospitals, the average 30-day readmission ... addressing the problem of avoidable readmissions, particularly in heart failure patients, by taking steps to ...

Jul 03,2013

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