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Why worry about hospital readmissions?

of reasons. The AF4Q Alliance in Minnesota developed the RARE (Reducing Avoidable Readmissions ... A Community's Approach to Reducing Readmissions (Cost & ... earlier. These readmissions to the hospital spell trouble in many ways.    While some ...

Oct 02,2013

(Webinar) Diving into the Readmissions Toolbox: New AHRQ Data Query Tool & Drill Down into Three Evidence-Based Interventions

AHRQ will preview a new data query tool that calculates National readmission rates for all conditions. Mary Naylor, Eric Coleman, and Mark Williams will offer deep dives into three evidence-based interventions that have potential to improve transitions of care and reduce avoidable readmissions. ...


Keeping Mental Health Readmissions RARE

readmissions. Some organizations hope to reduce readmissions by up to 20 percent. Said Santibáñez, “People are ... Wed, 2014-05-07 (All day)   It’s well known that the RARE (Reducing Avoidable Readmissions Effectively) Campaign has been highly successful in Minnesota. The most recent data ...

May 07,2014

Improving Hospital Readmission Rates

hospitals in the Hospital Quality Network focused on reducing readmissions for patients with heart failure and avoided 19 readmissions within 30 days of hospital discharge during a reported 18-month period. ... addressing the problem of avoidable readmissions, particularly in heart failure patients, by taking steps to ...

Aug 07,2013

Spotlight on Minnesota

Readmissions RARE Care Across Settings <div> The RARE (Reducing Avoidable Readmissions Effectively) Campaign has been highly successful in ... Foundation’s signature effort to lift the quality of health care in 16 diverse communities, reduce racial and ...

Nov 06,2014

Program Spurs Improvements in Care Transitions

& Efficiency, Reducing Readmissions, Medicaid) ... Her participation in the program brought an added bonus: reductions in readmissions and costs. Read the rest of ...

May 23,2012

The Value of a Good Night’s Sleep

preventable readmissions. The RARE (Reducing Avoidable Readmissions Effectively) Campaign was launched in ... estimated $27.37 million. Hospitals have a financial incentive to reduce readmissions because of a change in ... if they do not meet certain thresholds for reducing readmissions. The ultimate RARE campaign goal ...

May 09,2013

Samaritan Albany General Hospital Improves Patient Education

percent through its involvement in the Reducing Readmissions Learning Network. It attributes much of this ... hospital to home. (Hospital Care, Patient-Centered Care, Reducing Readmissions) ... Fri, 2012-07-13 (All day) To decrease its 30-day readmission rates, ...

Jul 13,2012

(Hospital Care, Reducing Readmissions) ...

Nov 04,2011

Language Services, Increasing Throughput, Reducing Readmissions) ...

Dec 13,2011

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