In 2011, the California Health Care Foundation released a report of surgical rates of 13 procedures for selected hospital service areas (HSAs) across the state. The procedures, which are known to be “preference sensitive,” or “elective,” address conditions that could be treated with various interventions depending on the preference of the doctor and patient. The HSAs in Humboldt reported surgical rates more than 150 percent above the state average for six of the procedures. Informed by the data, a coalition in Humboldt County formed the Surgical Rate Project to look at the variation in elective surgical rates. Each surgery represents an expense to the individual and purchaser of care, time off from work, and a length of time devoted to recovery.
“A close examination of variation in surgical rates is useful in understanding how care is utilized and how our community may more effectively improve outcomes and lower costs. This project is a perfect example of how we can put the data to work to help transform and evolve our programming to create a healthier community,” said Melissa Jones, project director of AF4Q Humboldt.