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American Institutes for Research

Engaging Consumers in Payment Reform Efforts That Impact Care Delivery Practices First Steps in Engaging Employers in Innovative Payment Strategies: Lessons from Wisconsin ...

May 14,2015

National Meeting, November 2010 (Orlando, FL)

Payment Reform Update Moderator: Harold Miller, Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement ... National Quality Forum (NQF), Diane Stollenwerk, NQF Medicaid Health Reform Working Group ... Video: Aligning Forces for Quality: At the Forefront of Reform Keynote: How Can We Move ...

May 24,2012

they attempt to build ambulatory quality improvement infrastructure in their markets and pursue payment reform strategies. Findings also can help guide Medicaid agencies as they pursue strategies to improve primary care for the current 60 million, soon to be 80 million, beneficiaries under health reform ...

Aug 16,2012

About Us

and organization are being tested and implemented; and Innovative payment reform is ... provide models for national reform. AF4Q asked the people who get care, give care and pay for care to ...

May 03,2011


payment reform, cost reduction, and care across settings. Alliances also established and pursued ... disparities and provide real models for national reform. As with other major initiatives, the Robert Wood ...

May 18,2015

Best of 2014—Special Edition

Reforming Payment in an Evolving Environment: A Brief on Bundled Payment Successes and Challenges Payment Reform <div> On the ... Since 2010, the Partnership for Healthcare Payment Reform (PHPR), a Wisconsin-based multi-stakeholder ...

Dec 17,2014

Driving an Aligned Agenda for Quality Improvement

agreed upon goals. [1] Such coordination can accelerate change in care delivery and payment reform, and maximize improvement across a geographic area. Improving health care quality and value also requires targeted clinical quality improvements and transformative change to delivery and payment ...

May 14,2015

Oregon Tackles Hospital Readmissions Through Multi-stakeholder Conference

Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform, kicked off the conference with a discussion of national efforts to ...

Oct 27,2011

Innovative payment reform is becoming a reality. Today, 37.7 million people in 16 AF4Q communities ...

Aug 02,2012

Humboldt County, Calif. Karen Timberlake, JD, director; Partnership for Healthcare Payment Reform (Wis.) ...

Sep 25,2012

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