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Improving Care on the Front Lines | September 2013

<li> <a href="">Beyond Widgets: The Pursuit of Payment Reform</a></li> <li> <a ... href="">Bundled Payment Initiatives: Successes and Challenges</a></li> </ul> ...

Sep 04,2013

Center for Health Care Strategies

expenditures, and link payment with quality. Its work focuses on the following areas: (1) enhancing health care coverage and access; (2) advancing broad delivery system and payment reforms; and, (3) integrating services ...

May 14,2015

The Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement

collaboration between AF4Q and NRHI centered on payment reform. NRHI worked with a number of Alliances to ...

May 14,2015

Improving Equity of Care

opportunities, and financial incentives and payment reform efforts to transform primary care practices that ... href="">Engaging Consumers in Payment Reform Efforts That Impact Care Delivery Practices</a></li> ...

Mar 27,2014

Engaging Employers in Multi-Stakeholder Groups

with innovative payment models, and this brief describes some of the early challenges associated with payment reform. Employer ... First Steps in Engaging Employers in Innovative Payment Strategies: Lessons from Wisconsin ...

May 14,2015


common agenda. Alignment of stakeholders maximizes the impact of individual system efforts in payment and delivery reform, and is necessary to achieve population-level improvements to health care costs, quality, ...

May 14,2015

AF4Q Webinar - Aligning National, State and Regional Measurement Initiatives

initiative’s focus on aligning private purchasing practices with the Medicare payment reforms as well as ... advantage of major reforms in Medicare that are moving the largest purchaser in the nation towards value ... of Medicare payments to purchasing based on quality. The importance of mirroring these changes in ...


valuable information and insights regarding the results of new initiatives, changes, or reforms at the ... administrators reported health care purchasers use trend data to inform purchasing decisions, payment ...

May 21,2012

The Power of Multi-Stakeholder Collaboratives

impact of individual system efforts in payment and delivery reform, and is necessary to achieve ... and use data sets for public reporting, quality improvement, payment reform, and benefit design offers ... raw material that health care systems need to rebuild care and payment systems that deliver value ...

May 14,2015

How do we attract employers to partner with us to improve health care quality?

particular emphasis on payment reform, and encourage employers to work with you to improve the delivery of ...

Oct 02,2013

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