National Meeting, November 2010 (Orlando, FL)

Post Meeting Resources

The National Meeting was held in Orlando, Florida.  Select the links below to access presentation slides and resources.

Day 1 | Day 2

Thursday, November 18th

Breakfast Discussions

Getting to Know AF4Q: An Introduction to the Program - Katherine Browne, GW

Core Measures for Aligned Public Reporting: A Tool to Help Communities Launch and Coordinate Their Reporting Efforts - Christy Olenik, National Quality Forum (NQF), Diane Stollenwerk, NQF

Medicaid Health Reform Working Group
Moderator: Nikki Highsmith, Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS)

Welcome - Anne Weiss, RWJF
Video: Aligning Forces for Quality: At the Forefront of Reform

Keynote: How Can We Move to a Quality-Focused, More Cost-Effective Health Care System - Peter Orszag, Council on Foreign Relations, former director, Office of Management and Budget

Luncheon – RWJF Development Fund – Payment Reform Update
Moderator: Harold Miller, Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement
Grantees: Nancy Clarke (Willamette Valley), Susie Dade (Puget Sound), Ted Rooney (Maine)

Work Groups

Communications Update - Alexis Levy, RWJF, Chuck Alston, MS&L, and Patrick McCabe, GYMR

Incorporating Equity into Quality Improvement Agendas
Presenters: Marshall Chin and Scott Cook, Finding Answers
Panelist presentations-

Harnessing Purchasing & Employer Power
Presenter: Andy Webber, National Business Coalition on Health
Reactors: Ardis Belknap (Willamette Valley) and Susie Dade (Puget Sound)

Assessing Ambulatory Care Practices: Understanding the Capacity of High Value Practices
Moderator: Nikki Highsmith, CHCS
Reactors: Randy Cebul (Cleveland), Lisa Letourneau, (Maine), and Brian Osberg, (Minnesota)

Incentives: Ingredients for Improving Quality and Ensuring Patient Centered Care
Moderator: Christine Bechtel, NPW&F
Reactors: Christine Abbott, Medical College of Georgia, Alan Glaseroff (Humboldt County), Jessica Osborne-Stafsnes (Humboldt County)

Friday, November 19th

Using Technology to Achieve Total Health- Ted Eytan, Kaiser Permanente

Work Groups

Cost & Efficiency: Synthesis of Alliance Strategies - Michael Painter, RWJF

Alliance Sustainability and Revenue Models
Moderator: David Williams, MedPharma
Reactors: Cathy Davis (Kansas City), Laura McEwan (Humboldt County), Chris Queram (Wisconsin), and Diane Solov (Cleveland)

Population Health
Moderator: Bonnie Zell, NQF
