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Payment Reform) ...

Nov 14,2011

(Payment Reform) ...

Jan 28,2013

Establish an Effective, Unified Measure Set

through multi-payer payment reform efforts, accelerating quality improvement by making it easier for ... [3] Miller, H. Ten Barriers to Healthcare Payment Reform and How to Overcome Them. Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform ...

May 14,2015

AF4Q Featured in Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc. Blog Post

Payment Reform ... partners and accelerating SIM efforts nationally.” (Payment Reform) ... of partners to support their ambitious goals for statewide multi-payer delivery system and payment ...

Mar 13,2015

(Patient-Centered Care, Payment Reform) ...

Jan 29,2014

(Payment Reform) ...

Jan 20,2015

(Patient-Centered Care, Payment Reform) ...

Jan 29,2014

Quality Field Notes: Regional Collaboratives Can Improve the Value of Local Health Care

Payment Reform ... here . (Ambulatory Care, Measurement & Reporting, Patient-Centered Care, Payment Reform) ... work to transform local health care and provide models for national reform. The latest topic in this ...

Feb 19,2015

Maine Shifts Health Focus To Community

Payment Reform ... (Care Across Settings, Hospital Care, Patient-Centered Care, Payment Reform) ...

Feb 25,2014

Labor-Management Groups Drive Delivery System Redesign

Payment Reform ... Engagement, Cost & Efficiency, Hospital Care, Measurement & Reporting, Payment Reform, Communications) ...

May 23,2012

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