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The Puget Sound Health Alliance Expands State-Wide

work to track the quality of care at medical groups and hospitals. But now, for the first time, the ... to track detailed, hospital-level data for the whole state. The Washington Health Alliance serves to build a strong alliance among patients, doctors, hospitals, purchasers, health plans, and others ...

Dec 19,2013

How does working with consumers influence discharge planning?

  Typically, hospital discharge processes are not created with a patient's ... discharge process can be vastly improved, particularly in reducing the number of avoidable hospital readmissions.   4.4 million hospital readmissions cost the nation $30 billion each year , and ...

Oct 02,2013

National Meeting Highlight Videos

their care at home, instead of the hospital. (10 minutes, 9 seconds) Cost Chris ... hospital readmissions and health care costs. (10 minutes, 55 seconds) Kelly Court and Matthew ... Care Across Settings Cost & Efficiency ...

Feb 06,2012

Setting the Standard for Healthy Communities in Cincinnati

five regional hospitals. More than 3,000 patients have received care transitions coaching with the ... Patient-Centered Care ... Cincinnati ranked #2 in the nation in the health care category because of its accessible and affordable care ...

Mar 14,2014

Improving Language Services January 2011 Quality Forum

background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial; "> Hospitals cannot provide adequate and ... health care. Standard practices of collecting preferred spoken and written language for health care assist hospitals in planning for demand; in addition, access to and availability of patient language ...


Leveraging Existing Infrastructure for Statewide Practice Improvement

Patient-Centered Care ... Wed, 2012-05-23 In 2006, Medical Care Development (MCD) ... time, MCD partnered with five large regional Physician Hospital Organizations, the Maine Medical ...

May 23,2012

Improving Patient Safety

information they need to emphasize cost and quality of health care.   In 2009, 16 hospitals in ... 2013-08-07 (All day) Reducing the wasteful use of health care is a major ... safety.   Now, some hospitals have achieved dramatically better results of 20 percentage ...

Aug 08,2013

In the current health care delivery system, care often seems fragmented, as though various providers and patients are all working in separate silos, with limited communication. The care any one provider delivers ... Medicare beneficiaries are re-hospitalized within 30 days of discharge, and the Medicare Payment Advisory ...

May 21,2012

Patients Benefit From Becker Clinic's Push on Diabetes

Patient-Centered Care Tue, 2011-09-06 (All day) In 2008, CentraCare, a clinic in Becker, Minn, was not pleased with its percentage of patients who were receiving optimal care. Just 5% of their ...

Sep 06,2011

In 2006, Medical Care Development (MCD) successfully obtained grant funding over two years to ... regional Physician Hospital Organizations, the Maine Medical Association, the Maine Primary Care Association, and multiple physician practices throughout the state, to form the Maine Practice Improvement ...

May 21,2012

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