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Payment Reform Pioneers Deliver on Value

Thu, 2014-05-22 Health care providers are increasingly being paid based ... hospitals, insurers, employers and other stakeholders to develop and implement systems to measure and publicly report performance.   Journalist Bruce Japsen examines how hospitals and health ...

May 22,2014

Reducing Readmissions July 2011 Quality Forum

the continuum of care for heart failure patients, and lessons learned from hospitals that have adopted ... impact on improving the continuum of care for heart failure patients, and lessons learned from hospitals ... Reducing Readmission's July Quality Forum focused on improving care across settings.  ...


A Model for the Rest of Us: Using Quality Measurement to Promote Value

such as co-pay waivers to direct consumers toward high quality primary care physician practices and hospitals. In 2011, the MHMC is adding a cost measure for hospitals, and some of the plan sponsors are using the quality and cost measures to group hospitals based on value for use in the benefit design ...

Sep 02,2011

Dimensions of Value: A Look at Resource Utilization in Puget Sound

first major report on resource utilization for high-volume hospitalizations. The report was created by analyzing data for highly utilized hospital services, and indicators such as length of stay, medical tests, ... appropriateness--and paints a picture of the value of such care in the Puget Sound region.  Read the complete report ...

Sep 02,2011

Patient Experience Committee Group conference call

VAPHS approach to MRSA prevention has been adopted by 153 VA acute care hospitals and over 50 academic ... adopted by 153 VA acute care hospitals and over 50 academic and private healthcare systems in the US, ... Experience in the Inpatient Setting: A Case Study of Three Hospitals, featuring the experience of United ...


Healthy Patients- A Strategy to Improve Pneumococcal Vaccination Rates

improved the delivery of Pneumococcal vaccinations to hospitalized patients from 48% to 98%. Pneumococcal ... CMS requires hospitals to document that patients were screened and given the medication. The TCAB ... successful on the TCAB unit- it has been implemented throughout the hospital. Download PNA Assessment ...

Apr 04,2012

Reaching People Where They Are: On the Highway, in Giant Trucks

Care Across Settings ... health care providers in the Albuquerque metro area were struggling to find a way to tell patients not to ... turning people away. No one hospital wanted to be perceived as unwelcoming. The Alliance brought the ...

Dec 02,2014

The MMC Physician Hospital Organization's Service Agreement (SA) used by the Maine Alliance for negotiating an agreement between the practice coach and a practice. This agreement ... (Ambulatory Care, Practice-based Coaching) ...

Feb 22,2013

care. Doctors and hospitals need information about their own performance to identify areas for ... Johnson Foundation’s signature effort to lift the quality of care in America. Public reporting is a ... of health care in order to benefit those who get, give and pay for care requires publicly reporting ...

Aug 01,2011

Cleveland's Quality Improvement Initiative

a network of 11 local and regional hospitals that are working together to improve care for heart ... Care Across Settings ... Diane Solov, program manager, Better Health. Learn more here .  (Care Across Settings) ...

Feb 21,2013

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