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May 2014 FAQ

free consumer slots for my team? The National Program Office will cover travel and expenses for two consumer attendees from each Alliance.  As a reminder, these slots are reserved for attendees who meet the definition of an AF4Q consumer (individual consumer or consumer representative).  Please ...

Feb 12,2014

following three hospitals are using the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems ... Better communication and engagement with patients as an essential focus. ...

Apr 11,2012

Celebrate Evolution

Readmissions RARE New Mexico | Engaging and Sustaining Oregon | Improving ... Care Washington | Consumer Voices Matter West Michigan | Patients With ...

May 01,2014

Core Competencies: Market Knowledge

to engage stakeholders, and identify technical assistance (TA) needs. NPO staff members also specialized in a content area (e.g., ambulatory quality improvement, consumer engagement, payment reform, ...

May 18,2015

A Leader in Health Data Collection

mean for Oregonians? Q Corp’s consumer engagement program, Partner for Quality Care, provides patients ...

Aug 07,2013


to work in many different areas, including performance measurement and public reporting, consumer engagement, patient experience, ambulatory quality improvement, hospital quality improvement, disparities, ...

May 18,2015

Looking Forward

of markets are engaged in discussions at the community level and in some legislative bodies around ... for consumers, as they contain data on what was actually paid for all services and procedures from a ... not represent total costs for the service or procedure and thus is less useful to consumers. Whether ...

May 14,2015

Best of 2014—Special Edition

Consumer Engagement <div> Patient experience surveys, particularly those that use validated questions such as the Consumer ... href="">Greater Boston</a>, the Massachusetts Health Quality Partners have worked with Consumer Reports to ...

Dec 17,2014

May 2014 | Celebrate Evolution

quality.<br /> <br /> Patient Partners is an advanced form of consumer engagement where patients ... Patients Take the Pulse Consumer Engagement <p>Patients without the ...

May 15,2014

Puget Sound Health Alliance Leaps into 2013

consumers to ensure they receive high‐quality care. This includes useful tips and information to help them ... 1,475 primary care providers. The self-reported information helps the Alliance, consumers, and providers ... coordination and patient engagement improved compared to the initial 2010 survey, with better referral systems ...

Jan 17,2013

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