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Sustainability Resource Inventory

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Title Date

2009 (Sustainability) ...

Aug 01,2011

(Consumer Engagement, Sustainability) ...

Aug 22,2013

Mar (Sustainability) ...

Mar 05,2014

11 (Consumer Engagement, Sustainability) ...

Dec 11,2013

Sep (Consumer Engagement, Sustainability) ...

Sep 04,2013

Vital Signs

executive director of Oregon Health Care Quality Corporation.   (Sustainability) ...

Dec 02,2014

Article/Commentary/Opinion This 2008 Health Affairs article, authored by Risa Lavizzo-Mourey and Mike Painter at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, outlines the AF4Q program, including its work to achieve dramatic, sustainable ...

Aug 01,2011

(Cincinnati), November National Meeting update and feedback, Sustainability Sub-Committee, and Updates/Next ...

Aug 22,2013

Presentation This presentation, conducted by the Director of the National Program Office, Robert Graham, MD, highlights AF4Q and its work, touches on the importance of sustainability, and discusses the best way to get ...

Apr 24,2013

Presentation The AF4Q Sustainability Webinar Pricing, Value & Prioritization, held on December 16, 2013, sought out to lay the foundation for an actionable path towards: establishing a price for the value-add ...

Dec 17,2013

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