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Sustainability Resource Inventory

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balancing short-term objectives with long-term goals, and securing resources to sustain the effort without ...

Jul 05,2012

engagement and ongoing support of employers as one of the keys to their long-term sustainability. But ...

Apr 29,2013

organizational and procedural changes that took place in the hospitals to support and sustain improvements on ...

Aug 01,2011

Health Care Incentives Improvement Institute

greatest opportunity, designing and implementing payment reform programs, working on sustainable business ...

May 14,2015

MacColl Center for Health Care Innovation

Quality Alliances with quality improvement projects and sustainability efforts. ...

May 14,2015

Bailit Health Purchasing

development, strategic planning and sustainability, payment reform, and patient-centered medical home ...

May 14,2015

Center for Creative Leadership

for sustainability, including cultivating relationships, leadership, and alignment through workshops ...

May 14,2015

Internal Processes to Bolster Technical Assistance

stakeholders and create streams of revenue for sustainability once AF4Q ended. TA specifically focused on sustainability may seem unnecessary at the start of a program due to a focus on program expectations; however, ... consider requiring a grantee to develop a business plan indicating how the grantee will sustain activities ...

May 18,2015

AF4Q Featured in Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc. Blog Post

sustainability model, alliances can serve as capacity builders to maximize the states’ resources and the potential to sustain results across regions beyond the SIM award period. In developing and ...

Mar 13,2015

Improving Language Services: February 2012 Quality Forum

for Improving Language Services will provide an overview of the key components needed to sustain and ... provide an overview of the key components needed to sustain and spread improvement, how to create, ...


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