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Sustainability Resource Inventory

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Sustaining QI Services - Affinity Group Meeting

This is the first meeting of the Sustaining Quality Improvement Services Affinity Group. This introductory webinar will provide a framework for the group's purpose, goals, and activities. Please fill ... target="_blank">   This is the first meeting of the Sustaining Quality Improvement Services ...


The Power of Partnership in Achieving Payment Reform Sustainability

to this point when only one in four organizations manage to sustain success, another third are still ... consulting firm that advises organizations on how to grow and sustain success. York emphasizes that true sustainability produces results that can be replicated because they have structure. Several factors contributed ...

Dec 02,2013

CVE Collaborative Business Models to Leverage Sustainability and Impact: Working with the Research Community

CVEs are uniquely positioned to partner with the research community to support certain kinds of research projects, which also have the potential to increase the impact and sustainability of ... sustainability of regional collaboratives. Partnering with researchers can benefit CVEs in one or more of 3 ways: ...


Driving Sustainability: The Role of the Funder and Program Design

knowledge, and skills to sustain the work of AF4Q has been an ongoing priority since the program’s inception. ... with investing in a community’s change strategy, funders set the stage for sustainability through ...

May 18,2015

CVE Collaborative Business Models to Leverage Sustainability and Impact: Working with All Payer Claims Databases

about how your CVE can increase its sustainability and impact by facilitating the use of ACPD ... practical advice about how your CVE can increase its sustainability and impact by facilitating the use of ...


  (Webinar Slides & Recording) Listen here AF4Q hosted webinar to review the various AF4Q products the National Partnership for Women and Families (NPWF) has produced and to offer guidance for using ...

Apr 15,2013

May 2013 National Meeting-HW Handouts Public Tue, 201 ...

Apr 25,2013

Article/Commentary/Opinion PCPAG Phase II: Tools and Resources ...

Aug 30,2013

Sustaining QI Services July Call

To stream the recording of this call click here. To downlaod the recording of this call click


Workshop on Sustainability

This event is by invitation only. This event is by invitation only. ...


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