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Sustainability Resource Inventory

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CE ROI Webinar

As AF4Q alliances work toward sustaining their efforts, the unique role of consumer engagement (CE) must not be overlooked. Eight alliances ... alliances work toward sustaining their efforts, the unique role of consumer engagement (CE) must not be ...


CELC Open Discussion Call

sustain and expand on our AF4Q community consumer engagement working on all ... how to sustain and expand on our AF4Q community consumer engagement working on all levels. ...


Presentation  HealthBridge is recognized as one of the nation’s largest, most advanced and most financially sustainable health information exchanges (HIE). It is also a partner of the Cincinnati AF4Q Alliance, as well as a ...

Jan 31,2012

representation, is important to AF4Q’s long-term sustainability. This document outlines a set of best ...

May 21,2012

Engaging Patients in Improving Ambulatory Care

responsibilities, and developing a sustainable structure that fosters ongoing, productive relationships. The ...

Mar 22,2013

Engaging Consumers through the GetBetterMaine Campaign

 Now, the Maine AF4Q alliance is conducting a statewide, sustained consumer campaign that engages Maine ...

Sep 02,2011

and Levers for sustaining practice-community partnerships. ...

Apr 26,2013

Celebrate Evolution

Readmissions RARE New Mexico | Engaging and Sustaining Oregon | Improving ...

May 01,2014


Strong leadership is crucial to the success of AF4Q alliances as they move toward sustainability for their work and organization. From the "how" of being an influential leader to creating a movement for change, this collection of AF4Q resources will help leaders of all levels further ...

Mar 12,2014

AF4Q: Who We Are, What We Do

economically diverse communities across the United States behind a common purpose—to create sustainable models ...

Jul 31,2014

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