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Sustainability Resource Inventory

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Alliance Return on Investment Projects

cost-benefit analysis of 10 different scenarios to examine the initiative’s long-term sustainability ...

May 14,2015

National Partnership for Women & Families

Best Practices in Sustaining Meaningful Consumer Engagement ...

May 14,2015

Avenue M Group

contributed to Alliances’ efforts to build financially sustainable membership models. ...

May 14,2015

Key Drivers Scorecard: Focused Business Strategy

health and potential sustainability of a collaborative.   Core Focused ...

May 18,2015

Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care

Successful Strategies for Building and Sustaining Partnerships with Patients and Families to Transform ...

May 14,2015

Maine’s “First STEPS” Program Results in Substantial Improvement in Child Immunizations

after the start to assess whether improvement over time was notable and sustainable. The organization ...

Jul 30,2013

patients. To improve and sustain high-quality, patient centered and equitable care, the Kansas City ...

May 21,2012

Calculating the Value of Consumer Engagement

or ROI, of consumer engagement activities is important to sustain these efforts in the future and ...

May 14,2015

A Patient's Story: Integrating Equity in PCMH

4.5 times higher for black patients than non-black patients. To improve and sustain high-quality, ...

May 23,2012

Partnering With Grantmakers

Sustainable nonprofits need “strategic, decisive, accountable leadership,” added Dunkin. Nonprofits should ... foundations that NOT  funding you will have negative consequences #AF4Q #Sustainability ...

May 28,2013

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