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Bright Spot In the current health care delivery system, care often seems fragmented, as though various providers and patients are all working in separate silos, with limited communication. The care any one provider delivers ...

May 21,2012

Lovelace Westside Hospital: Satisfaction with Call Button Response Time

improve team communication, and promote patient safety. The TCAB unit at Lovelace Westside Hospital, ...

Jul 13,2012

Lovelace Westside Hospital: Improving Satisfaction with Proactive Call Button Response

improve team communication, and promote patient safety. The TCAB unit at Lovelace Westside Hospital, ...

Jul 13,2012

Compendium: Tools for Engaging Patients in Your Practice

patient/provider communications. Improving patient satisfaction ratings. Increasing overall ...

Feb 21,2013

as channels for communicating with employees and their families. Some Alliances also regard the ...

Apr 29,2013

Humboldt County's Our Pathways to Health

participants demonstrate sizable improvements in disease self-management, communication skills, and overall ...

Feb 01,2012

Capacity Building

Supporting the growth of key staff and developing internal bench strength can be a challenge amid day-to-day priorities. Capacity building comes in many forms, from enhancing communication skills to intensive analytics training. The specific needs vary across organizations, but this collection ...

Mar 12,2014

(Webinar) Physicians Are NOT Using Quality Data in Making Referrals: A Roundtable Discussion on What CVEs Might Do About It

and hospitals? John Freedman will discuss communication and marketing strategies to engage physicians, ...


Breaking Down the Barriers to Health Care in Detroit

to health care by addressing chronic disease, better communicating with patients about making wise ...

Oct 23,2014

“At a Buffet, Everything Tastes Like Pancake Syrup.” Lessons for Consumer Engagement from a Bed and Breakfast

John Gallagher is the director, communications and development, with the Washington Health Alliance. ...

Dec 02,2014

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