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WCHQ Hosts Patient Experience Summit

communication, engaging patients in their own care, improving nurse communication and pain management, and ...

Nov 18,2011

Using EMR to Improve Interpreter Access

important to “communicate, communicate, communicate with physicians,” and that there is a need for continued ...

Jun 06,2012

Using Transparency to Encourage Accountability

(Cost & Efficiency, Measurement & Reporting, Communications) ...

May 23,2012

Working with Consumers to Tackle Low Back Pain

(Consumer Engagement, Communications) ...

May 23,2012

Community Outreach Exceeds Expectations

(Consumer Engagement, Communications) ...

May 22,2012

(Consumer Engagement, Cost & Efficiency, Measurement & Reporting, Communications) ...

Mar 12,2014

Cost & Quality Data: Meaningful Displays for Consumers

  (Consumer Engagement, Cost & Efficiency, Measurement & Reporting, Communications) ...

Mar 11,2014

Labor-Management Groups Drive Delivery System Redesign

Engagement, Cost & Efficiency, Hospital Care, Measurement & Reporting, Payment Reform, Communications) ...

May 23,2012

AF4Q Greater Boston teams up with Consumer Reports to Releases Patient Experience Data

including how well physicians communicate, coordinate medical care, and know their patients, and whether ... How Does Your Doctor Compare?  (read more) (Measurement & Reporting, Communications) ...

Jun 06,2012

National Program Office

Communications & Consumer Engagement, National Program Office Alicia Aebersold oversees communications for the National Program Office of Aligning Forces for Quality. Ms. Aebersold has twenty years of experience in strategic, results-oriented communications leadership in private, public, and nonprofit ...

Jan 09,2012

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