Nine out of 16 AF4Q communities have some level of practice coaching support, with funding for these programs primarily through the AF4Q grant. Cleveland Better Health has in the past two years developed a membership model where health care providers, purchasers, and community partners pay a basic annual membership fee for a package of services that include practice coaching. Similarly, Greater Memphis Common Table and Humboldt County Alliances have expressed interest in developing a business approach with the goal of sustaining their practice support programs through a diversified funding stream. These three alliances have joined forces to work on these approaches together in the AF4Q Practice Coaching Sustainability Program, working with the Improving Performance in Practice (IPIP) technical support team to develop a detailed business plan, including a value proposition or return on investment to enable these leaders to market their services more effectively, identifying strategic partners and purchasers willing to pay for practice support services to transform ambulatory care. These alliances will work with IPIP over the next six months and will be reporting successes and key learning as part of the sustainability curriculum developed by the NPO and technical assistance teams.
In AHRQ’s Developing and Running a Primary Care Practice Facilitation Program, A How-To Guide, the authors’ recommend creating a business plan that includes the following:
• Executive summary
• Description of your program and services (and how they will improve primary care)
• Market analysis
• Organization and management
• Marketing and sales strategy
• Financial plan
• Long-term strategy and implementation plan
Included in this section of the guide is a chapter on developing a plan for funding your program, with a table outlining potential funding sources for practice support programs.
Compiled by Jen Powell, an AF4Q technical advisor working with the Improving Performance in Practice (IPIP) Technical Support Team.
How do you monitor a practice coach’s effectiveness?
A systematic monthly review of practice progress is a great strategy.
How can practice coaches assist practice leaders in identifying potential future reimbursement and incentives associated with QI initiatives?
One Alliance developed a tool to address this.
How do practice coaches support practices in making organizational changes necessary to improve care?
Learn more from AF4Q Alliances.
What are the key skills and behaviors to look for when hiring a practice coach?
Enthusiastic leadership and project management skills are a good start
How do you learn to be a practice coach?
Focus on quality improvement and organizational change, for starters.
When do practice coaches end engagement with a practice?
It depends on a number of factors.
- Why do consumers need to know how much things cost?
- How do we help employers maintain their interest and energy in our partnership?
- What role do employers play in improving care quality?
- What frameworks can I use to engage and activate consumers?
- What are the benefits of personal health records?
- What is the Consumer Engagement Leadership Consortium?
- Where should I incorporate consumers into my practice or hospital?
- How do you explain the idea of “high-quality health care"?
- How do I clarify my role as a consumer within my organization or Alliance?
- How do I become a better consumer leader?