How do I create a consumer advisory council?

AF4Q Alliances have forged a path.

Creating an advisory council or board is a key way to cement buy-in and commitment from your consumer advocates. Your Consumer Advisory Council (CAC) ensures that the consumer perspective is represented and can take one of many forms (e.g., Consumer Advisory Board, Consumer Engagement Taskforce, or Expert Panel).
1. Gain support for the idea of setting up a council from your leadership team and board members. 
2. Collaborate with consumer leaders to determine the scope and responsibilities of the CAC.
3. Formalize the role of the council by creating a document outlining its principle functions. 
4. Determine a decision-making process for the CAC, as well as between it and the broader AF4Q initiative.
5. Orient all stakeholders to the goals of the council, and orient council members to AF4Q and its mission and goals. 
6. Designate staff to support the CAC.
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