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that delivers high-quality, patient-centered care ... (here, read more) (Ambulatory Care, Consumer Engagement, Patient-Centered Care) ... advise and affect decision-making within their local health care systems. A report from Aligning Forces ...

Mar 09,2012

improvement efforts. According to the Institute of Medicine, ensuring that care is patient-centered is one of ... experiences deemed essential for high-quality, patient-centered care actually take place. Measuring ... (Hospital Care, Measurement & Reporting, Patient-Centered Care) ...

Apr 30,2012

2011 (Consumer Engagement, Patient-Centered Care) ... Hospitals This toolkit by the Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care offers guidance for how to get started in advancing the practice of patient- and family-centered care and ...

Dec 13,2011

Paving the Way for Difficult Conversations

Patient-Centered Care ... (Consumer Engagement, Patient-Centered Care) ... engagement program focuses on palliative care to help patients with life-limiting diseases receive the care ...

Feb 06,2013

The Power of a PEA

Patient-Centered Care ... Meeting  here . (Cost & Efficiency, Patient-Centered Care, Practice-based Coaching) ... new electronic medical record (EMR) system at the same time they were starting to work on NCQA Patient ...

May 23,2012

Population-Based Approaches to Care Management

from Health Quality Partners and Geisinger Health Plan show that patient-centered care can improve ... patient-centered and population-based strategies to care management, resource allocation, patient engagement, and ... On-the-ground projects from Health Quality Partners and Geisinger Health Plan show that patient-centered care ...


Maine Shifts Health Focus To Community

Care Across Settings Patient-Centered Care ... (Care Across Settings, Hospital Care, Patient-Centered Care, Payment Reform) ... Tue, 2014-02-25 Across Maine, patient-centered medical homes and their ...

Feb 25,2014

A Patient's Story: Integrating Equity in PCMH

Patient-Centered Care Wed, 2012-05-23 In practice, patient-centered health care should fit the ... Patient-Centered Care) ...

May 23,2012

-None- (Consumer Engagement, Patient-Centered Care) ...

Aug 01,2011

Caring for Health Care's Costliest Patients

Hospital Care Patient-Centered Care ... (Ambulatory Care, Care Across Settings, Hospital Care, Patient-Centered Care) ... Care Across Settings ...

Jan 29,2014

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