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Teaming up for Patient-Centered Care

care coordination with its patient-centered medical home (PCMH) pilot. The Alliance has found its niche ... 2013-11-04 (All day) “The best way out of fragmented care is how we broker the architecture of care coordination,” said Dr. Barbara Crowley of Maine General Health. The Aligning Forces ...

Oct 30,2013

Journey toward a Patient-Centered Medical Home: Readiness for Change in Primary Care Practices

the readiness of primary care practices to make the transformational changes necessary to implement the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) model. Using comparative, qualitative data, we provide ... used a comparative case study design to assess primary care practices’ readiness for PCMH ...

Jan 18,2012

patient-centered medical home (PCMH) initiative. It explains why an employer should partner with an alliance on a ... (Patient-Centered Care, Payment Reform) ... collection titled, "Alliances and Employers: Working Together for High-Value Health Care ...

Jan 29,2014

Presentation Over 200 faces in health care quality gathered in Phoenix, AZ on November 18-20, 2009 for the Aligning ... the quality of care provided in the United States. ...

Aug 01,2011

Presentation Public Wed, 2014-10-01 ...

Oct 29,2014

Presentation Public Wed, 2014-10-01 ...

Oct 29,2014

A Patient-Centered Plan to Help Super-Utilizers

Patient-Centered Care ... personalized, patient-centered care plan. The first enrolled patient in the super-utilizer program had 21 ... (Patient-Centered Care) ...

May 09,2013

Keeping the Patient and Family in a Patient-Centered Medical Home Transformation (Webinar)

The momentum for transformation of primary care into a patient-centered medical home is ... Care: The momentum for transformation of primary care into a patient-centered medical home is ... style="margin-left: 40px;"> • Learn strategies to involve patients and families in a patient-centered medical ...


'Lean' Teams Build Patient-Centered Medical Homes

Patient-Centered Care ... the concept a reality as part of the South Central Pennsylvania Alliance’s (SCPA) Patient-Centered ... patient-centered medical homes, and give patients a seat at the table. The program starts with an intensive ...

Dec 19,2012

(here) (Ambulatory Care, Payment Reform) ...

Sep 14,2011

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