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Breakout 7 - The Far-Reaching Value of a Patient-Centered Culture

The Far-Reaching Value of a Patient-Centered Culture Creating a patient-centered culture cannot be accomplished in a silo or without the meaningful ... permeating the existing culture and transforming it into one that is patient-centered at every level. AF4Q ...

Jul 07,2014

(Consumer Engagement, Patient-Centered Care) ...

Aug 01,2011

(Consumer Engagement, Patient-Centered Care) ...

Aug 01,2011

(Patient-Centered Care) ...

Aug 01,2011

(Patient-Centered Care) ...

Aug 01,2011

(Patient-Centered Care) ...

Aug 01,2011

“We’re interested in measuring experience, not satisfaction.”

Patient-Centered Care ... experience is a core element of patient-centered care as it measures what patients value. (Patient-Centered Care) ...

Sep 09,2011

(Patient-Centered Care) ...

Jul 16,2012

(Patient-Centered Care) ...

Apr 13,2012

(Ambulatory Care, Patient-Centered Care) ...

May 06,2013

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