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Managing Health Begins with Education

Measurement & Reporting ... (Consumer Engagement, Measurement & Reporting) ... offices. Results to date, based on clinical and self-reported data, have been positive with some ...

Sep 02,2011

Quality Field Notes: Data Reporting

Measurement & Reporting ... Data to Work.   (Measurement & Reporting) ... public reporting led to better care for their patients. Practices who publicly reported their measures of ...

Dec 13,2013

AF4Q Oregon's Public Reports Now Include Medicare Data

Measurement & Reporting ... provider performance.   (Measurement & Reporting) ... leader of the AF4Q Oregon initiative, recently released the nation's first public reports on the ...

Sep 05,2014

(Ambulatory Care, Measurement & Reporting) ...

Jan 30,2013

(Measurement & Reporting) ... reporting. The reports are important because they help patients make informed choices, and help physicians ... delivery systems, increased public reporting, and lowered costs in 16 communities across the country. ...

May 18,2015

Improving Care Through Screening and Public Reporting

Measurement & Reporting ... Colon, Cervical Cancer Screenings in 2013   (Equity, Measurement & Reporting) ... reporting member organizations. The ultimate goal is a 70 percent or higher screening rate for all patients. ...

Jul 31,2014

AF4Q Greater Boston teams up with Consumer Reports to Releases Patient Experience Data

Measurement & Reporting ... How Does Your Doctor Compare?  (read more) (Measurement & Reporting, Communications) ... Consumers Reports collaborated to provide Massachusetts consumers with reliable and useful information about ...

Jun 06,2012

SCPA Launches New Consumer-Focused Public Reporting Site

Consumer Engagement Measurement & Reporting ... (Consumer Engagement, Measurement & Reporting) ...

Feb 10,2012

What are the elements of a successful homepage on public reporting websites?

Lessons from Consumer Website Testing (Measurement & Reporting ... help them do that?   We asked consumers to test eight Alliances’ public reporting ... See Cincinnati .  • Make information on quality reports accessible from the home page. ...

Oct 02,2013

What are best practices for using visual elements on public reporting websites?

from Consumer Website Testing (Measurement & Reporting, Community ...   We asked consumers to test eight Alliances’ public reporting websites . Here is what we ...

Oct 02,2013

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