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Green Light on Quality Improvement

Measurement & Reporting Cost & Efficiency ... financial incentives. (Cost & Efficiency, Measurement & Reporting) ...

May 07,2014

Cleveland Providers Work Together to Improve Care

Measurement & Reporting Fri, 2014-03-28 (All day) When Aligning Forces for Quality grantee Better ... (Measurement & Reporting) ...

Mar 28,2014

Frontiers in Physician Measurement: Exploring Patient Narratives and Patient-Reported Outcomes for Public Reporting

Georgetown University will review the use of patient-reported outcome measures for cancer care and how they ... Georgetown University will review the use of patient-reported outcome measures for cancer care and how they ... patient-reported clinical outcomes.  Stephen Kaufer, CEO of TripAdvisor, will discuss the role of the customer ...


Jan (Ambulatory Care, Cost & Efficiency, Hospital Care, Measurement & Reporting) ... Report ...

Jan 30,2013

(Consumer Engagement, Measurement & Reporting, Health Information Technology (HIT)) ... Although there are a number of specific reasons why quality data reports may be missing for a provider, this report provides specific guidance that focuses on three key reasons: Too few patients: ...

May 21,2012

‘Better Practices’ for Publicly Reporting Patient Experiences with Physicians

href="">here. What are effective strategies for integrating CAHPS results with clinical measures? What are the ... What are effective strategies for integrating CAHPS results with clinical measures? What are the pros and cons of including an overall summary score of patient experience measures in addition to ...


May (Cost & Efficiency, Measurement & Reporting) ...

May 18,2015

-None- (Hospital Care, Measurement & Reporting, Patient-Centered Care) ... This tool provides messaging to explain patient experience measurement and reporting efforts to ... in the doctor’s office, and using patient surveys allows for the measurement of whether care is ...

Apr 30,2012

-None- (Hospital Care, Measurement & Reporting, Patient-Centered Care) ... Measurement and reporting of patient experience are different from other types of quality measurement, and ... importance of measuring patient experience and providing the information and tools needed to help ...

Apr 30,2012

Minnesota Releases Nation’s First Total Cost of Care Data for Medical Groups

Cost & Efficiency Measurement & Reporting ... (Cost & Efficiency, Measurement & Reporting) ...

Jan 07,2015

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