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Adding Cost Measures to Public Reports

Cost & Efficiency ... publicly reporting clinical performance measures for the past two years, recently added cost measures to ... (Cost & Efficiency) ...

Aug 18,2011

(Measurement & Reporting) ... Johnson Foundation’s signature effort to lift the quality of care in America. Public reporting is a ... information that go into public reports of quality performance data. Improving quality and reducing costs ...

Aug 01,2011

-None- (Cost & Efficiency) ... partners: Understand and explain why your Alliance is choosing to report cost and resource use measures to consumers in your community. Recognize and address some of the challenges involved in ...

Jan 10,2012

Crafting a Measuring Stick For Health Care Costs

Cost & Efficiency Measurement & Reporting ... Read more .   (Cost & Efficiency, Measurement & Reporting) ...

Aug 14,2014

(Measurement & Reporting) ... memo presents an overview of how clinical composite measures are currently being used by Aligning Forces Alliances and highlights important issues to consider when deciding to report aggregate measures ...

Aug 01,2011

(Measurement & Reporting) ... report contains a compilation of findings, including tested messages, based on research conducted for the ... performance measurement. Public ...

Aug 01,2011

A Model for the Rest of Us: Using Quality Measurement to Promote Value

Measurement & Reporting Fri, 2011-09-02 (All day) The performance measurement and public ... learned here . (Measurement & Reporting) ...

Sep 02,2011

Detroit Report on Quality Shows Improvement in the Delivery of Care.

Measurement & Reporting ... by almost 13 percentage points   (Measurement & Reporting) ... years measured for almost all of the reported measures. Specific improvements include: All ...

Sep 02,2011

accompanying report here .  For more information, visit the Health Affairs blog . ...

Jun 20,2014

Using Transparency to Encourage Accountability

Measurement & Reporting Cost & Efficiency ... (Cost & Efficiency, Measurement & Reporting, Communications) ...

May 23,2012

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