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Cost Measurement 101: Foundational Concepts and Considerations for CVEs

measurement and summarize how differences in perspectives and objectives influence (or should influence) measurement activity. Four metrics– use, price, episode, and total cost of care – will be reviewed and their related data requirements outlined. Potential cost measurement approaches for CVEs with ...


Establish an Effective, Unified Measure Set

Increasingly, there has been a proliferation of quality measurement and reporting requirements placed upon health care providers and systems. The movement toward greater reporting and measurement is ... provider reporting burden and allows improvement efforts to be focused on the measures that matter. Aligned ...

May 14,2015

Reducing Readmissions October Quality Forum - Building the Foundation to Measure and Monitor Equity

href="">here. ...


experts in Washington, D.C., to discuss the difficulties of cost and spending measurement and reporting ... domestic product. A number of major efforts across country are attempting to understand, measure, and ultimately slow the rate of spending growth. Many efforts also seek to publicly report information about ...

May 14,2012

National Meeting, November 2010 (Orlando, FL)

Harnessing Purchasing & Employer Power Presenter: Andy Webber, National Business Coalition on ... Technology to Achieve Total Health - Ted Eytan, Kaiser Permanente Work Groups Cost & ... An Introduction to the Program - Katherine Browne, GW Core Measures for Aligned Public ...

May 24,2012

Cost Measures

public reporting of cost information. Some Alliances focused cost displays around certain conditions or ... on many factors including the political will—or lack thereof—to share and publically report data. For ... describe cost will depend on the type of data reported. [1] For example, cost can be displayed in terms ...

May 14,2015

Spotlight on Washington

Measurement & Reporting <p>The first statewide report in the nation to measure Choosing Wisely&amp;reg; recommendations finds that ... Health Care Costs Cost & ...

Apr 06,2015

Spotlight on Greater Boston

Drive Down Costs Measurement & ... analysis, reporting, and improvement program to deepen clinicians&amp;rsquo; and other ... engage all local residents&amp;mdash;from seeking input from patients with diabetes to building ...

Dec 03,2014

Cost: Measurement and Data Sources

known as “allowed amounts,” would be the truest measure of cost if they were reported publicly. [1] ... Administrative claims data are the source of cost (allowed amounts) data. Reliable cost reporting is entirely ... reporting. Organizations that store, prepare, and supply data must have a thorough understanding of both the ...

May 14,2015

Measuring Progress: Metrics

The NPO was charged with measuring AF4Q progress on two levels—the individual communities’ ... program were measured against a set of metrics developed by the Foundation. The NPO, specifically regional ... mechanism for measuring community performance was Alliance quality and cost goals. Each of the 16 Alliances ...

May 18,2015

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