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2011 (here) (Cost & Efficiency) ... Johnson Foundation, offer their thoughts on the complex landscape of measuring health care cost and ...

Nov 15,2011

Spotlight on Detroit

Affordable Care Act&amp;#39;s insurance provisions have led to coverage for many people, they still face the challenge of finding a doctor or a dentist. Timing is key. Patients who sign up for Michigan&amp ... regional health and health care disparities.</div> <div> &amp;nbsp;</div> <div> ...

Nov 03,2014

stakeholders for measuring and reporting patient experience.       ... This brief outlines the clinical and business cases for collecting and publicly reporting data on patients' experience in the ambulatory care setting, as well as identifies ...

Sep 09,2011

use data for public reporting purposes. This CHCS technical assistance project addresses two priority areas: performance measurement/public reporting, and population-based data/equity through use of R/E/L ...

Aug 01,2011

Will I Be Able to Hold My Newborn Daughter?

experience truly drove it home. Nathan Hunkins is a manager, business & systems development, with MN Community Measurement. (Patient-Centered Care) ...

Dec 02,2014

Report This 2008 report, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, expands on the findings of a 2006 report - ... adoption and the challenges faced in accurately measuring it. The authors provide survey data from general ...

Aug 01,2011

Spotlight on New Mexico

standard-of-quality measures that are health outcome-based, it&amp;rsquo;s going to help our community,&amp ... Mexico.</div> <div> &amp;nbsp;</div> <div> The campaign, which was originally created for a ... addition to local hospital systems&amp;rsquo; individual efforts, three systems partnered with NMC4HQ by ...

Feb 03,2015

Care Quality Measurement" gave an introduction to the STS National Database, discussed public reporting with the STS National Database and discussed the connection between CVE's, quality ...

Apr 03,2014

The Building Blocks for Value

Cost & Efficiency ... (Cost & Efficiency, Payment Reform) ... communities are at the beginning of the process of reporting cost data, convening stakeholders (hospitals and ...

Jan 03,2013

Transitioning to Better Quality Care in Kansas City

& Medicaid (CMS). KCQIC, along with the additional CCTP participants, provides care transition ... enhancing patient experience, improving quality of care, and documenting measurable savings to the Medicare ... runs through 2015. Monthly data reports will track the effectiveness of CCTP services and highlight the ...

Oct 30,2013

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