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Using Data to Improve Blood Pressure Control in African American Patients in Northeast Ohio

Measurement & Reporting ... (Measurement & Reporting) ... has measured and publicly reported primary care practices’ achievement on nationally endorsed ...

May 09,2013

Evolve: Bringing Data to Life for Healthier Communities

Measurement & Reporting ... efforts.   (Ambulatory Care, Measurement & Reporting) ... Health Care Foundation released a report of surgical rates of 13 procedures for selected hospital ...

May 07,2014

Giving Kansas City Providers a New Tool for Quality Improvement

Measurement & Reporting Measurement & Reporting ... & Reporting) ...

Dec 19,2012

Helping Consumers Make Better Health Care Choices

Measurement & Reporting ... processes in a balanced way. (Measurement & Reporting) ... Consumers Union, publisher of Consumer Reports. The result? In June 2012, Consumer Reports published its ...

Dec 19,2012

Niche Filled by CVE Private Physician Feedback Reports in Relation to Other Private Feedback Reports and Public Reports for Consumers

Roughly 15 CVEs sponsor private ‘physician feedback’ reports in parallel to their public reports.  On this Webinar, three CVEs -  Barbara Tobias, M.D., Medical Director of The ... their private reports relate to other private reports available to medical practices in their ...


Reconciling Measures Affinity Group: March Meeting

meeting will: Review group charter, Alliances' status & goals, and highlight ... meeting will: Review group charter, Alliances' status & goals, and highlight ... href=""> and click "Join." Dial-in number: 1-877-668-4490 ...


Achieving Excellence Across All CG-CAHPS Core Measures: Lessons from Top-Performing Medical Practices

that have scored in the 90th percentile across all core measures from the CAHPS® Clinician & ... success stories from medical practices that have scored in the 90th percentile across all core measures from the CAHPS® Clinician & Group (CG-CAHPS) Survey. Top-performing medical practices will ...


Care Quality Measurement" gave a brief background on who WCHQ is, the registry measures WCHQ publicly reports, why WCHQ chose to report these measures and the data collection and reporting process and lessons learned for CVE's considering reporting registry measures ...

Apr 03,2014

May 2014 | Celebrate Evolution

Improvement Measurement & Reporting ... in Health Care Costs Cost & ... Meredith Roberts Tomasi, program director with Q Corp. “Once we have measures and the data ...

May 15,2014

Do consumers find certain performance measures—such as readmissions and avoidable complications data—useful?

Consumer Beliefs and Use of Information (Cost & Efficiency, Community ... the data context.   Readmission and complication measures are not meaningful or useful by themselves. Consumers find certain resource use measures—such as 30-day readmission and avoidable complication ...

Oct 02,2013

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