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How do consumers define health care “value”?

Consumer Beliefs and Use of Information (Cost & Efficiency, Community ...

Oct 02,2013

October 2014 | Payment Reform

organization reducing costs for Medicare beneficiaries by 4.6 percent. This is part of "Journalists on ... health care costs and get greater value for their spending. The current fee-for-service model can encourage unnecessary care, driving up costs as we pay for the volume of care instead of its value. Reforms ...

Oct 07,2014

How does working with consumers influence discharge planning?

A Community's Approach to Reducing Readmissions (Cost & Efficiency, Community Organization - Consumer Engagement) ... readmissions.   4.4 million hospital readmissions cost the nation $30 billion each year , and ...

Oct 02,2013

Starting a Conversation about Value

Cost & Efficiency ... and purchase care. Download Full Brochure (Cost & Efficiency) ... has much to do with rising health care costs. Many health conditions have many treatment options, some ...

May 09,2013

Engaging Employers and Educating Employees for a Stronger Community

Cost & Efficiency ... (Consumer Engagement, Cost & Efficiency, Health Information Technology (HIT), Population Health) ... premiums and minimal charges for preventive care, make staying well more cost effective than ever. On the ...

May 09,2013

Is More Always Better? Puget Sound probes one of the most important questions in health care

Cost & Efficiency ... Kidney removal Prostate removal   (Cost & Efficiency) ... which drives costs up and quality down. While the results are eye opening, few who provide and pay for ...

Dec 19,2012

The Power of Partnership in Achieving Payment Reform Sustainability

Cost & Efficiency ... starting point."   (Cost & Efficiency, Payment Reform) ... efficiency. Launching a new model of health care payment while adapting to a changing health care ...

Dec 02,2013

28 (Measurement & Reporting) ... direct and indirect costs.  Aligning Forces for Quality communities that have implemented customized ... simplify the challenges of chronic care management while improving efficiency and performance. ...

Feb 28,2014

National Meeting, November 2010 (Orlando, FL)

Technology to Achieve Total Health - Ted Eytan, Kaiser Permanente Work Groups Cost & ... Harnessing Purchasing & Employer Power Presenter: Andy Webber, National Business Coalition on ... to a Quality-Focused, More Cost-Effective Health Care System - Peter Orszag, Council on Foreign ...

May 24,2012

(Ambulatory Care, Measurement & Reporting) ... comparative data on health care costs and resource use, it is important to understand the perspective of all ... comparative information on provider-level costs and resource use.   ...

Jan 30,2013

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