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-None- (Cost & Efficiency) ...

May 21,2012

Improving Quality and Value through Summit

Cost & Efficiency ... . (Care Across Settings, Cost & Efficiency) ... “Improving the Quality & Value of Health Care,” a summit for employers and providers that showcased ...

Jan 18,2012

May (Cost & Efficiency, Measurement & Reporting) ... Those involved in improving healthcare quality and reducing costs know that data are power. Data are the raw material that health care systems need to rebuild care and payment systems ...

May 18,2015

(Cost & Efficiency, Measurement & Reporting) ...

May 18,2015

Sep (Care Across Settings, Cost & Efficiency) ...

Sep 25,2013

Feb (Consumer Engagement, Cost & Efficiency) ...

Feb 24,2014

9 (Ambulatory Care, Care Across Settings, Consumer Engagement, Cost & Efficiency, Equity, Hospital Care, Measurement & Reporting, Patient-Centered Care, Payment ...

Nov 14,2012

Red, Yellow, Green: Appropriate Use of Diagnostic Imaging

Cost & Efficiency Wed, 2012-05-23 Millions of Americans undergo costly and often ... National Meeting  here . (Cost & Efficiency) ...

May 23,2012

Green Light on Quality Improvement

Measurement & Reporting Cost & Efficiency ... financial incentives. (Cost & Efficiency, Measurement & Reporting) ...

May 07,2014

(Ambulatory Care, Care Across Settings, Consumer Engagement, Cost & Efficiency, Hospital Care, Measurement & Reporting, Patient-Centered Care, Payment Reform) ...

May 21,2012

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