Business Development/Developing Sustainable Models
The transition away from grant funding is challenging on many levels, especially as it demands a more business-focused mindset. Developing a sustainable business model requires looking strategically at pricing products and services, identifying return on investment, and considering the financial viability of all endeavors. This segment of AF4Q programming provides resources on how to foster this business mindset and tools for reaching financial sustainability.
Resources (in alphabetical order)
Becoming a High-Performing Team: First, Build Culture, Intentionally (presentation summary)
Best Practices in CE Sustainability (presentation)
Building Strong Foundations for the Future (presentation summary)
Consumer Engagement ROI—Articulating the Value of CE: (presentation)
Consumer Engagement ROI—Developing Your Model (presentation)
Consumer Engagement ROI— Finalizing Your Model (presentation)
Consumer Engagement ROI—Final Results (presentation)
Characteristics of Sustainable Efforts (presentation summary)
Creating an Enduringly Great Organization (slidedeck)
Data Aggregation: What's the ROI? (presentation)
Developing Sustainable Business Models (slidedeck)
Developing a Sustainable Business Model (resource)
Developing Sustainable Business Models (slidedeck)
Identifying the Return on Investment (slidedeck)
Organizational Readiness for Change (resource)
Six Drivers of Sustainability (presentation)
Strategic Planning and Organizational Development 101 (presentation)
Strategic Planning and Organizational Development 201 (presentation)