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Standardizing Language Data Improves Patient Care

Equity Tue, 2011-08-23 (All day) Ashland Community Hospital in Oregon, part of the AF4Q Hospital Quality Network Improving Language Services program, improved rates for screening ...

Aug 23,2011

Safety-Net ACOs Hold Promise to Achieve the Triple Aim

Wed, 2015-01-21 Aligning Forces Alliances in Maine, Minnesota, and Oregon ... resources. On the West Coast, the Oregon Alliance has pushed the health home model as a cornerstone of its ACO efforts.  For example, many of Oregon's Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs) work ...

Jan 21,2015

New Mexico Kicks-Off Regional Transforming Care at the Bedside Initiative

Minnesota, Western New York, Wisconsin, Oregon and Maine in this innovative program.  (Hospital Care, ...

Aug 03,2011

What are best practices for displaying comparative reports on public reporting websites?

hospital. “Tips For Getting Quality Care” on Oregon’s homepage provides many helpful resources.    ... various places throughout the site. See Oregon’s explanation of the data source at About the scores .  ...

Oct 02,2013

yielding. The Alliances in Oregon and South Central Pennsylvania offer lessons for other states ...

Jan 30,2013

AF4Q’s Diverse Hospital Network

teaching hospitals in Kansas City, Boston, Albuquerque and Oregon. (Hospital Care, Improving Language ...

Aug 18,2011

Taking Quality Innovations to Scale in Your Region: Engaging and Activating Consumers and Other Non-clinical Stakeholders

Oregon and California CVEs will share insights and preliminary tracking data from their respective ... Representatives from the Oregon and California CVEs will share insights and preliminary tracking data from their ...


Get Vertical: And Don’t Take Back Pain Lying Down

A new campaign launched as part of the Oregon Health Care Quality Corporation’s Partner for Quality ... campaign is based on a recently released State of Oregon Evidence-based Clinical Guideline for the ...

Jan 12,2012

Medicare Goes Local with Doctor Data

City Quality Improvement Consortium, and the Oregon Health Care Quality Corporation.   ...

Nov 28,2012

Engaging Consumers, Improving Care

efforts made in the Humboldt County, Oregon, Minnesota, Maine, and South Central Pennsylvania alliances to ...

Mar 09,2012

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