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August | 2013—Moving Beyond "Widgets"

Payment Reform—The Linchpin of Health Care Reform Payment Reform The way we pay for care impacts the way care is delivered. By ... Payment Reform <p>Overtreatment ...

Aug 05,2013

Market Analysis

support delivery system changes through payment reform efforts. Several Alliances applied a market assessment framework developed by Catalyst for Payment Reform (CPR) to provide stakeholders with a structured ... regulatory and legal environments. This structure is important in the context of payment reform in AF4Q given ...

May 14,2015

Spotlight on New Mexico

Changing Health Care Payment Reform ... Partnership in Payment Reform Sustainability Payment Reform <div> ...

Feb 03,2015

FYI: CPR Webinar on Creating Regional Scorecards

CPR's Regional Scorecards on Payment Reform, modeled after CPR's National Scorecard, enable regions to measure and track their progress toward value-oriented payment. Learn how to create ... Regional Scorecards on Payment Reform, modeled after CPR's National Scorecard, enable regions to ...


Engaging Employers in Changing Health Care

Payment Reform ... (Payment Reform) ... payments are tied to the value, and not the volume, of the services delivered. These efforts are led by the ...

Nov 18,2014

Data and Policy

necessary to create consensus on what type of payment reform work is appropriate for the market. Timely ... impossible, to maintain momentum on payment reform efforts without data to evaluate progress, both short and ... issues around payment reform efforts. Legislation to compel health plans to provide cost data and for ...

May 14,2015

Spotlight on Detroit

href="">Reforming Payment in an Evolving Environment: A Brief on Bundled Payment Successes and ... ethnic disparities, and provide models for national reform. AF4Q brings together people who get care, ... communities, reduce racial and ethnic disparities, and provide models for national reform. ...

Nov 03,2014

(Payment Reform) ...

Aug 01,2011

Jan (Payment Reform) ...

Jan 28,2013

Spotlight on Washington

href="">Payment Reform Pioneers Deliver on Value</a></li> <li> <a ... ethnic disparities and provide models for national reform. AF4Q brings together people who get care, give ... communities, reduce racial and ethnic disparities and provide models for national reform. ...

May 28,2014

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