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National Program Office

The  Center for Health Care Quality within the Department of Health Policy  at The ... million commitment to improve the quality and equality of health care nationwide. Graham also holds an ... Center for Health Care Quality in the Department of Health Policy at The George Washington University ...

Jan 09,2012

Aligning Forces for Quality Games to Generate Data Challenge Announces Finalists

Johnson Foundation’s signature effort to lift the overall quality of health care in targeted communities, ... among technology developers to create game applications that generate useful health care quality data to improve health and health care. The Game Challenge is the second in a series of innovation ...

Apr 29,2013

Improving Language Services December 2010 Quality Forum

patients do not always get interpreted care at key points in the care process from qualified language services providers.  In order to assess the status of interpreter use at key points in care from ... for St. Joseph Hospital in Pontiac, Michigan, used a diagnostic tool in two hospital units. During the ...


Strategies for Coordinating a National Program

duration (nine years), its scope (multiple areas of focus), and the ramifications of major health care ... Sponsoring and Implementing Hospital Learning Collaboratives ... sponsor of a range of hospital learning collaboratives. ...

May 14,2015

Making Strides in Controlling Diabetes

life. The Health Collaborative’s three years of ongoing analysis of diabetes care in Greater Cincinnati ... hospital systems launching QI programs in their system-owned practices. The Health Collaborative’s program ... improvements in care can serve as a national beacon. “We are proving that if a community collaborates around ...

Aug 07,2013

Building Strong Foundations for the Future

teaching  capacity at the Pediatric Primary Care Center at  Cincinnati Children’s Hospital ... Sandra Chavez has more than 20  years of experience in health care  and managing public health care  systems.  She has held several key  management positions that  included operational ...

Jun 06,2013

Finding Value in Data

Phil Kalin at the Center for Improving Value in Health Care (CIVHC), which administers and all-payer ... Slides Annette DuBard of Community Care of North ... coordinated across points of care and can detect discrepancies. Users receive real time and administrative ...

Jun 06,2013


Providing public reports for consumers that compare the quality and cost of hospitals, medical ... health care. In addition to moving toward a more transparent health care system that enables consumer ... displays that allow consumers to compare the costs of care or the efficiency (or resource use) of these ...

May 14,2015

Influence Through Social Media: Trust, Share, Engage

care decision-making, advocacy, and communications. Increasingly, it is a way of turbo-boosting your ... help them identify ways to improve their care or better coordinate their care. New expectations. More than 75 percent of consumers expect health care entities to respond within a day or less to ...

Oct 02,2013

Communication Mechanisms: Internal

community level. Over time, content became less specific to health care and more focused on transferring ... constantly taking the pulse of Alliance needs, interests, and broader national health care trends. Whether ... webinars. [1] Note that virtual learning opportunities were informed by lessons learned from hospital ...

May 18,2015

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