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Innovations that Matter to Patients

Hospital Care Mon, 2012-06-04 (All day) Mercy Hospital Anderson’s Patient Family ... personnel and know that input will help improve the care and service the hospital is providing.” The team ...

Jun 06,2012

We Ask Because We Care

evidence of disparities of care provided in the United States. By collecting patient R/E/L data, hospitals can pinpoint possible differences in care and areas for improvement. “We as a nation are aware ... Wed, 2012-02-22 (All day) We Ask Because We Care The five major ...

Feb 22,2012

Patients and family members are becoming more sensitive to the cost of care as they bear a greater share of health care costs. Out-of-pocket costs are a worry for most patients and a substantial financial burden for a growing number with a variety of types of insurance plans. Controlling the cost of care is now ...

Mar 20,2015

from a unique meeting convened by the Institute for Family-Centered Care in collaboration with the Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Highlighted are examples of best practices drawn from hospitals, ambulatory programs, medical and nursing schools, funders of health care, patient- and family-led ...

Aug 01,2011

Maine Shifts Health Focus To Community

Hospital Care Care Across Settings Patient-Centered Care ... (Care Across Settings, Hospital Care, Patient-Centered Care, Payment Reform) ...

Feb 25,2014

Medina Memorial Healthcare System Tackles Nurse Turnover

Hospital Care ... and recruitment.  (Hospital Care, Transforming Care at the Bedside (TCAB)) ... three nurses left, bringing the voluntary nurse turnover rate for 2011 down to 1.5 percent. The hospital ...

Jul 13,2012

Patient and Family Centered Care Webinar

Patient- and family-centered care is essential to cultivating a partnership at the bedside in ... health care providers. Because patients and their families spend most of their time with nurses and other ... well-positioned to help ensure that care is as patient-centered as possible.  For these reasons, Patient ...


The Value of a Good Night’s Sleep

Hospital Care Hospital Care ... own bed? Hospital readmissions are costly for the health care system and stressful for patients and ...

May 09,2013

-None- (Hospital Care, Transforming Care at the Bedside (TCAB), Nursing) ... many successes of the Transforming Care at the Bedside or TCAB initiative was shared with the meeting ...

May 25,2012

Is More Always Better? Puget Sound probes one of the most important questions in health care

professionals who were active during the patient’s hospital stay—a perspective suggestive of accountable care ... Project ( ) has focused on regional variations in the quality of health care ... health care appear to have acted on this information for younger, commercial populations. Questioning ...

Dec 19,2012

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