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SCPA: Challenging Fragmented Care

2013-11-04 Certain patients present a health care conundrum. “Super-utilizers” account for only five percent of patients, but they accrue more than 60 percent of health care costs. These patients make frequent trips to hospital emergency rooms or have repeated inpatient hospital ...

Oct 30,2013

Reducing Readmissions October Quality Forum - Building the Foundation to Measure and Monitor Equity

providing culturally-and-linguistically-sensitive health care. AF4Q hospitals have worked to standardize the collection of race, ethnicity, and language data in order to identify opportunities to improve care for all patients. How do you create the infrastructure to collect REL data? What can a hospital do with this data? ...


(Hospital Care, Measurement & Reporting, Patient-Centered Care) ... This primer discusses the importance of measuring patient experience as part of health care quality improvement efforts. According to the Institute of Medicine, ensuring that care is patient-centered is one of ...

Apr 30,2012

care is delivered (e.g., acute care hospitals, nursing homes).  While focusing on care delivery ... settings, including within an acute care hospital, in an emergency department, at the doctor‘s office or ... In the decade since the Institute of Medicine identified quality deficiencies in the U.S. health care ...

Mar 14,2013

Wisconsin TCAB: "Quality Becomes Practical"

Hospital Care ... Wisconsin.”   (Hospital Care, Transforming Care at the Bedside (TCAB)) ... with more than 130 participants representing 18 medical-surgical units from 16 hospitals.  TCAB is a ...

Sep 01,2011

Junction have fewer hospitalizations, shorter hospitalizations, and lower mortality rates after hospitalization than do Medicare patients in comparison hospitals. Effective, efficient care is delivered in Grand ... For the past decade, the high-quality, relatively low-cost health care delivered in Grand Junction, ...

Nov 29,2011

Rewarding Doctors for Better Care and Outcomes

Patient-Centered Care ... to improve outcomes . In this pilot, primary care practices may receive an additional monthly fee ... such as care coordination, increasing flexible access to care, tracking and monitoring chronic ...

Sep 02,2011

Improving Quality and Patient Safety in Maine

14 Maine facilities (13 hospitals and one short-term acute care facility) are participating in the AF4Q Transforming Care at the Bedside, a new nurse-led hospital program that engages frontline staff to ... 2011-09-02 (All day) To improve quality locally, 11 hospitals across Maine are ...

Sep 02,2011

Reducing Readmissions

Fifty-eight hospital teams improved in their adherence to all components in the Measure of Ideal Care (MIC), ...     Readmission of patients recently discharged after hospitalization represents an expensive and all-too-common lapse in the quality of care delivered in the U.S. health care ...

Jul 25,2012

The Importance of Transitional Care In Achieving Health Reform

Care Across Settings ... help the chronically ill during transitions in care and identified nine that successfully demonstrated a decrease in hospital readmissions. Many of the successful interventions shared similar features, ...

Aug 18,2011

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