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Shaping Payment Reform

care. Payment reform in the context of AF4Q is unique because of the program’s set geographic range. Traditional payment reform occurs within one setting—in a health system, for example—rather than across a ... are necessary for high-value care, and successful payment reform methods reward, promote, and sustain ...

May 14,2015

PBS Affiliate Features SCPA Program

Patient-Centered Care Ambulatory Care Care Across Settings ... Across Settings, Patient-Centered Care) ...

Mar 13,2014

(dana safran bcbs mass, dana safran bcbs mass) (Care Across Settings, Payment Reform, Pay for ...

Nov 15,2011

February 2015 | Patient Engagement

Consumer Engagement Patients want care that helps them manage their health and ... improve care, and to meet patient needs. Several communities participating in the Aligning Forces for ... practices, patients and families work together to improve care. These communities have launched and ...

Feb 18,2015

A Community's Approach to Reducing Readmissions

Care Across Settings Mon, 2013-02-11 (All day) As part of AF4Q, hospitals, ambulatory care ... (Care Across Settings, Reducing Readmissions) ...

Feb 11,2013

National Meeting Highlight Videos

Care Across Settings Cost & Efficiency ... University, discusses a program to provide better care across care settings for seniors with chronic ... beneficiaries. (10 minutes, 33 seconds) (Care Across Settings, Cost & Efficiency, Payment Reform) ...

Feb 06,2012

Improving Quality and Value through Summit

Care Across Settings ... . (Care Across Settings, Cost & Efficiency) ... “Improving the Quality & Value of Health Care,” a summit for employers and providers that showcased ...

Jan 18,2012

Safety-Net ACOs Hold Promise to Achieve the Triple Aim

Care Across Settings Ambulatory Care Equity ... health. (Ambulatory Care, Care Across Settings, Equity) ...

Jan 21,2015

Keeping Mental Health Readmissions RARE

Care Across Settings Patient-Centered Care ... key to a good patient experience.”   (Care Across Settings, Patient-Centered Care) ...

May 07,2014

August 2014 | Quality Improvement

Care Across Settings <div> As patients move from one care setting to another, problems such as lack of follow-up care and ... care transition coaches to ensure patient care that is coordinated across care settings. This series of ...

Aug 12,2014

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