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Aligning Forces for Quality (AF4Q) Alliances have implemented or are partnering in care transitions programs to ensure patient care that is coordinated across care settings. This brief highlights the ... 15 (Care Across Settings) ...

Jul 15,2014

using electronic health records for insulin order sets could improve glycemic control among hospitalized patients with diabetes. The study found that after the adoption of EHR-based insulin order sets: Rates of ... (Hospital Care, Health Information Technology (HIT)) ...

Jun 22,2012

Kansas City Recognized for Care Transitions Program

Care Across Settings ... KCQIC’s work, visit the Alliance’s website here .  (Care Across Settings) ... home, nursing home, or other care settings. Reducing readmissions improves the quality of life for ...

Jul 30,2013

Cleveland's Quality Improvement Initiative

Care Across Settings ... Diane Solov, program manager, Better Health. Learn more here .  (Care Across Settings) ... a network of 11 local and regional hospitals that are working together to improve care for heart ...

Feb 21,2013

The Power of Multi-Stakeholder Collaboratives

Aligning Forces for Quality: A Program to Improve Health and Health Care in Communities Across the United ... health care systems to be stronger, more resilient, and of higher quality across the full continuum of ... together have had a huge impact on the quality of care delivered across the United States. AF4Q Alliances ...

May 14,2015

Care Transitions Program Reduces Readmissions in Humboldt County

Care Across Settings Hospital Care ... readmission rates from 10 percent to eight percent, a 20-percent improvement . (Care Across Settings ...

Aug 18,2011

Detroit Easing Care Transitions

Care Across Settings ... a consolidated list will help guide patients get the care they need, in the appropriate setting. (Care Across Settings) ...

Jul 11,2013

On the Redwood Coast

Care Across Settings Ambulatory Care Hospital Care ... (Ambulatory Care, Care Across Settings, Hospital Care, Patient-Centered Care) ...

Feb 03,2014

Wisconsin: Setting Priorities

patients by December 2013, and WCHQ is well on its way.   WCHQ set the agenda in Wisconsin by looking ... good care, why aren’t we doing it where it makes a huge impact for patients?” WCHQ then began the push ... dozen physicians and nurses worked together over six months to select a set of proven best practices ...

Oct 30,2013

Humboldt County’s Care Transition Program Sees Results

Care Across Settings Thu, 2013-02-21 (All day) St. Joseph Hospital’s Care Transition Program, ... Read more from the Times-Standard of Northern California here .  (Care Across Settings) ...

Feb 21,2013

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