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The Retention of Stakeholders

“They don’t do health care. They feel forced into it because of the way our system is set up.” ... care speak,” using too many acronyms, or talking down to them. She also recommended reinforcing the ... innovation  for the WellSpan Medical Group,  a group of approximately 150  primary care physicians ...

Jun 06,2013

What are some ways consumers can help improve health care?

As the end users of health care, consumers are in a unique position to understand what improvements are needed—and often how best to implement them. Consumers across the nation are busy helping AF4Q communities improve health care quality. The way they’re doing this is taking many different forms.   ...

Oct 02,2013

Standardizing the Collection of Race, Ethnicity and Language Data

framework for moving forward with standardized data collection across health care entities. This report ... collecting granular ethnicity data will need to include the entire national standard set of categories in ... from the set that are applicable to their service population. Link ...

May 24,2012

Paving the Way for Difficult Conversations

Patient-Centered Care ... patient’s voice and perspective across the continuum of quality improvement in Minnesota.  A patient engagement program focuses on palliative care to help patients with life-limiting diseases receive the care ...

Feb 06,2013

Transitioning to Better Quality Care in Kansas City

from hospital stays to their home or other care settings. The Greater Kansas City’s area Aligning ... Medicare are readmitted to the hospital within 30 days. Created by the Affordable Care Act, community-based care transitions programs (CCTPs) aim to fix this problem by working with local hospitals and health ...

Oct 30,2013

SCPA: Challenging Fragmented Care

difficult in a fragmented care setting. Aligning Forces for Quality South Central Pennsylvania (AF4Q ... 2013-11-04 Certain patients present a health care conundrum. “Super-utilizers” account for only five percent of patients, but they accrue more than 60 percent of health care costs. ...

Oct 30,2013

their experiences in the health care setting is the best and often only way to examine whether the ... This primer discusses the importance of measuring patient experience as part of health care quality improvement efforts. According to the Institute of Medicine, ensuring that care is patient-centered is one of ...

Apr 30,2012

Improving Transparency in Health Care Costs

understand health care cost variation across their own regions and provider groups, and also make comparisons ... percent of the $2 trillion in annual health care spending in the U.S. is duplicative or unnecessary. This ... troublingly little relationship to good health care outcomes. Improving health care and reducing unnecessary ...

May 07,2014

Over 200 faces in health care quality gathered in Phoenix, AZ on November 18-20, 2009 for the Aligning Forces National Meeting . Attendees reflected on the tremendous progress occurring in Alliances across ... the quality of care provided in the United States. ...

Aug 01,2011

Over 200 faces in health care quality gathered in Phoenix, AZ on November 18-20, 2009 for the Aligning Forces National Meeting . Attendees reflected on the tremendous progress occurring in Alliances across ... the quality of care provided in the United States.   ...

Aug 01,2011

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