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York Hospital Improves Patient Safety and Nurse Staffing

York Hospital set out to determine the number of patients one nurse can care for. This is a difficult ... Hospital Care Patient-Centered Care ...

Jul 13,2012

Minnesota Depression Measures are NQF endorsed

DIAMOND (Depression Improvement Across Minnesota, Offering a New Direction) initiative has measured depression care since 2007.  Recently the National Quality Forum endorsed four mental health measures used in DIAMOND that focus on depression care and patient satisfaction during an inpatient psychiatric hospital ...

Sep 06,2011

Cost Measures

understood and  used by multiple audiences requires careful collaboration with a broad set of stakeholders. ... data : The cost or price of care can mean different things to different people, and the phrase used to ... of an average or an estimate, overall price of service or total cost of care, or out-of-pocket cost ...

May 14,2015

Improving Quality and Patient Safety in Maine

2011-09-02 (All day) To improve quality locally, 11 hospitals across Maine are ... the quality and safety of patient care by piloting and testing new quality improvement strategies. ... important elements of their care, and improve how they communicate with diverse patients. In addition, ...

Sep 02,2011

The Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care prepared this document as a ... experiences that the advisors will need; setting the timeframe for their participation; understanding whether ... Aug (Consumer Engagement, Patient-Centered Care, Practice-based Coaching) ...

Aug 14,2013

Giving Kansas City Providers a New Tool for Quality Improvement

Information Set and based on claims health plans received from primary care practices) to data from practices ... could identify gaps in care and improve patient outcomes.   “When health care providers have ... than 200 primary care providers in the greater Kansas City area have signed on to use SQI. As part of ...

Dec 19,2012

fundamental objectives that lead to better care. All stakeholders, including consumers, health plans, ... meet the needs of the AF4Q communities. A diverse set of committed partners, including robust consumer representation, is important to AF4Q’s long-term sustainability. This document outlines a set of best ...

May 21,2012

How do you monitor a practice coach’s effectiveness?

coach’s progress with each individual practice and across the portfolio of practices. Depending on the ... across all practices in the improvement effort. Examples of registries can be found in the AF4Q ... Developing and Running a Primary Care Practice Facilitation Program ...

Oct 17,2013

Collaboratives Overview

Through our work in Aligning Forces for Quality, we can improve the quality of health care by supporting ambulatory practices and hospitals in how they can make improvements in caring for patients. ... language services empower nurses at the bedside. In the ambulatory setting ...

Jun 20,2011

Implementing Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Pilot Projects: Lessons from AF4Q Communities

Patient-Centered Care Ambulatory Care Mon, ... implementing pilot programs that promise to reinvigorate primary care as the driver of larger changes within ...

Aug 29,2011

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