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Sustainability Resource Inventory

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Title Date

Paving the Path to Better Health in Humboldt County

expansion.  The Alliance plans to continue to sustain and develop the program by broadening its reach to ...

Oct 30,2013

Teaming up for Patient-Centered Care

visits, resulting in savings of more than $10 million. QC is sustaining and building on its PCMH efforts ...

Oct 30,2013

Minnesota: Partnering for a Better Patient Experience

from this kind of data, and it’s sustainable because it will become a way things are done in our state. ...

Oct 30,2013

The Next Generation of Quality Data

equitable and sustainable Portland metropolitan region. In addition to the information from Q Corp, the ...

Oct 30,2013

Becoming a High Performing Team: First - Build Culture, Intentionally

intentionally building group culture needs to be a primary focus in order to sustain impact. Furthermore, to ...

Oct 02,2013

Closing Plenary: The "How" of Being an Influential Leader

values such as profits and resources, Seidman said, but we need to scale sustainable values such as ...

Oct 02,2013

Improving the Quality of Life for Children Living with Asthma

sustain the efforts over time. “We all need to keep our eyes on the children,” he said. Fostering a ...

Aug 07,2013

The Future of Collaboration: The Power of Collective Impact

important for sustaining a collaborative #AF4Q @AspenFCS ...

Feb 11,2014

Keeping Mental Health Readmissions RARE

people want to look at the data and build to sustainable quality improvement efforts,” said Santibáñez. ...

May 07,2014

Insights and Recommendations for Collaboratives: Focused Business Strategy

sustainability and most able to adapt to change were those that had developed a focused business strategy early ...

May 14,2015

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