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(Ambulatory Care, Practice-based Coaching) ... and networks (e.g. IPAs) The Practice Coaching Program Manual was reviewed by 16 quality improvement professionals, including IPIP State Directors, experienced practice coaches ...

Sep 17,2011

Coaching for Clinical Change

(Ambulatory Care, Practice-based Coaching) ... and care delivery in 2009. The coaches are focusing their efforts on improving clinical outcomes, ... the coaches work with the practices to achieve certification and National Committee for Quality ...

May 22,2012

Primary Care Alchemy: Practice Coaching Turns QI into Dollars

(HIT), Pay for Performance and Incentives, Practice-based Coaching) ...

May 23,2012

-None- (Ambulatory Care, Practice-based Coaching) ...

Sep 17,2011

-None- (Ambulatory Care, Practice-based Coaching) ...

Sep 17,2011

Aug (Consumer Engagement, Patient-Centered Care, Practice-based Coaching) ...

Aug 14,2013

Aug (Ambulatory Care, Patient-Centered Care, Practice-based Coaching) ...

Aug 14,2013

The Power of a PEA

Meeting  here . (Cost & Efficiency, Patient-Centered Care, Practice-based Coaching) ... Upstate New York Practice Based Research Network and P2 Collaborative of Western New York to bring in a ...

May 23,2012

-None- (Ambulatory Care, Practice-based Coaching) ...

Sep 17,2011

Oct (Ambulatory Care, Practice-based Coaching) ...

Sep 17,2011

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