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The Camden Coalition Model: Dr. Jeff Brenner's Discussion on Improving Quality and Access for "Super Utilizers"

successfully used a regional collaborative to improve access and quality while driving down health care costs. This webinar will illustrate how the coalition has convened health care providers, hospitals, social service agencies, and patients to build a population-based model that improves care and outcomes while ...


The Camden Coalition Model: Dr. Jeff Brenner's Discussion on Improving Quality and Access for "Super Utilizers"

successfully used a regional collaborative to improve access and quality while driving down health care costs. This webinar will illustrate how the coalition has convened health care providers, hospitals, social service agencies, and patients to build a population-based model that improves care and outcomes while ...


Finding Answers: Disparities Research for Change—An Update

2005, Finding Answers has awarded and managed research grants totaling $8 million to health care ... accurately assess a population’s needs and values. Team-based care is one of the most consistently ... health centers to academic medical centers, large health systems, and insurers. (Equity) ...

Jan 18,2012

Aligning Forces for Quality Games to Generate Data Challenge Announces Finalists

Johnson Foundation’s signature effort to lift the overall quality of health care in targeted communities, ... among technology developers to create game applications that generate useful health care quality data to improve health and health care. The Game Challenge is the second in a series of innovation ...

Apr 29,2013

Strategic Planning

Role of Regional Collaboratives in the Evolution from Health Care to Population Health ( presentation ...

Mar 12,2014

pronounced in community health clinics (CHCs) that are committed to delivering primary care to a low-income, vulnerable population in a fee-for-service system. These CHCs are also under pressure to provide coordinated care with limited resources for populations with complex social, behavioral, and economic issues. ...

May 21,2012

A Summer Reid

Aligning Forces Population Health meeting this September as well.  ... 2013-08-13 (All day) A Summer Book Club for Health: Aligning Forces for ... health system literacy through a partnership with the Central Pennsylvania Library System and their local ...

Aug 13,2013

The Next Generation of Quality Data

spectrum—working with new partners and examining population health.” ... determinants of health with disease data? You get the Coalition for a Livable Future’s unique web-based mapping ... the Oregon Health Care Quality Corporation (Q Corp) that allows users to overlay disease incidence ...

Oct 30,2013

Humboldt's Two-Tiered Initiative to Reduce Readmissions

population,” said Tory Starr, regional director of case management & Care Transitions, St. Joseph Health ... Health System-Humboldt County, a two-hospital provider in the community. “Reducing readmissions requires ...

Feb 21,2013

Regional Perspectives on the Triple Aim

health of populations—while reducing the cost of that care—we can improve the health and health care ... that describes an approach to optimizing health system performance. This approach has become a central tenet of health care system transformation, and it is widely accepted as the trifecta goal for reform. ...

Aug 08,2012

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