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CHCS Public -None- (Medicaid) ...

Aug 01,2011

The Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) prepared this compendium of Medicaid fact sheets to ... health care quality presented by their state Medicaid program and its beneficiaries. It presents information on Medicaid nationally, followed by individual state Medicaid profiles for each of the 15 AF4Q ...

Aug 01,2011

Aligning with Medicaid (AWM) project will help connect AF4Q communities with key Medicaid stakeholders to collect more robust Medicaid performance data; stratify data by race, ethnicity and language (R/E/L); and ... (Medicaid) ...

Aug 01,2011

initiative. Through interviews with leaders from these Alliances, the brief examines how and why Medicaid ... (Medicaid) ...

Jan 30,2013

This issue of Legal Notes briefly reviews the provisions of the final CMS rule defining meaningful user for the Medicaid EHR incentive program compared to the proposed rule. Health Care Legal Issues Public ...

Aug 01,2011

Primer/Brief This brief describes five strategies for addressing the challenges of incorporating Medicaid data into public reports of performance. Public ...

Aug 01,2011

Why Collaboration When We Are Already a Collaborative? And Partnering with Medicaid Agencies to Increase the Impact of your CVE

FYI:   Medicaid Agencies are one of the largest purchasers of ... successfully partnered with their Medicaid Agency to improve care for Medicaid beneficiaries, gain tips on how your CVE can build relationships with Medicaid and discuss future opportunities for increased Medicaid ...


Safety Net in Greater Cleveland Demonstrates What Is Possible with Medicaid Expansion

Wed, 2014-05-07 (All day)   The expansion of Medicaid in Ohio was ... statewide Medicaid expansion, which Ohio’s Governor Kasich ultimately approved in October.   The ... December 31, 2013. As Care Plus patients migrate to Medicaid later this spring, Better Health’s Data Center ...

May 07,2014

Medicaid Health Care Legal Issues ...

Aug 01,2011

in better preparing the nation’s primary care system to deliver high-quality care to Medicaid ... reform strategies. Findings also can help guide Medicaid agencies as they pursue strategies to improve ...

Aug 16,2012

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