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Title | Date | |
Teaming up for Patient-Centered Care MaineCare (Medicaid) Health Homes. CCTs are multi-disciplinary, community-based, care management teams ... |
Oct 30,2013 |
SCPA Improves Quality and Reduces Super-Utilizer Re-Hospitalizations tools. AF4Q SCPA also is working with state representatives to access Medicaid data to inform its ... |
Mar 27,2014 |
Payment Reform 101: Why Payment Reform? What is it? Purchasing will be presenting a three-part Payment Reform webinar series to give state Medicaid and state ... |
SCPA: Challenging Fragmented Care engagement tools. AF4Q SCPA also is working with state representatives to access Medicaid data to inform its ... |
Oct 30,2013 |
highest faculty award. In 2009 she was named one of the founding Commissioners of the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission, which advises Congress on federal Medicaid and CHIP policy. ... |
Sep 06,2012 |
Assistance Programs (Medicaid Fee-for-Service) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (Medicare ... |
Jul 29,2014 |
The Value of a Good Night’s Sleep Medicaid services to improve quality of care across the country (California, Nevada, Arizona, and Florida), ... |
May 09,2013 |
bring existing Medicaid enrollment processes from paper to online. The audience ... |
Jun 06,2013 |
Looking Ahead: Translating Big Data into Better Healthcare Niall Brennan of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) likewise observed that modern ... |
Feb 11,2014 |
Medicaid Services through the Community-based Care Transitions Program (CCTP), the coalition provides ... |
May 07,2014 |