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HealthCare 21 Business Coalition

committed to improving the quality and cost of health care in Tennessee and the surrounding region. HC21 ... improvement in healthcare value (increasing quality and safety and decreasing costs of care). The College ... program that focuses on benefits purchasing techniques and skills that emphasize improving the value, ...

May 14,2015

Sustainability and Long-Term Viability

improving the quality of health care Americans receive. With this initiative, 16 grantees across the country ... Alliances have sought new ways to sustain the important work of improving the quality of health care by diversifying revenue, engaging partners, and launching new services and products. This inventory consolidates ...

May 14,2015

June 2014 | Patient Experience Matters

This edition of Spotlight showcases examples of AF4Q's work to improve patient experience. Improving Patient Experience Patients bring an important perspective to the table ... partner with patients to improve patient experience and clinical indicators of quality care. AF4Q ...

Jun 11,2014

Bringing Consumers to the Table

avoids potential challenges to new services, and improves provider and patient satisfaction. ... onboarding and involving consumers in governance and in practice improvement? A key component of Aligning ... consumer representatives (generally referred to below as “consumers” for brevity)—in efforts to improve ...

May 14,2015

Engaging Employers in Multi-Stakeholder Groups

engaging employers and purchasers in value-based purchasing efforts to improve quality and value? Employers ... Creating Ways for Employers to Help Improve Health Care Quality ... employers in their region and matching their own products or services with the types of employers most ...

May 14,2015

What does meaningful consumer engagement mean?

  It would be easy to give lip service to consumer engagement, but Aligning Forces is ... consumers improve stakeholder satisfaction and reduce attrition . Genuine and effective consumer ... They involve bringing in consumers at the right time and speaking to them as colleagues, in language ...

Oct 02,2013

Addressing Health Disparities

hospitals toward gathering information on patient race, ethnicity, and language preference (R/E/L) to ... areas for improvement. In this way, CTHA is helping care become more equitable. The goal is for Memphis ... Equity Improvement Collaborative. As of 2012, both Methodist North and Methodist South hospitals ...

Aug 07,2013

November 2013 | Igniting Improvement

AF4Q Communities are igniting improvement in the way health care is delivered, paid for, and received. How are AF4Q Alliances Igniting Improvement? The people in the 16 ... them. They are igniting improvement in the way health care is delivered, paid for, and received. Each ...

Nov 14,2013

You Don’t Find, What You Aren’t Looking For

see results.  The University of New Mexico (UNM) Hospital has been a leader in race and language data collection for years creating a robust program, including interpreters, interpreter services via video and ... started tracking their heart failure readmissions in relation to race, ethnicity and language and have ...

Aug 03,2011

April | 2013

potential challenges to new services, and improves provider and patient satisfaction.</span></p> ... This edition focuses on patient engagement and its role in health care quality improvement. AF4Q Communities Engage Patients to Improve Care ...

Apr 01,2013

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